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Passkeep is a beginner-friendly password manager that allows users to store their passwords securely in the local storage of their browser. This project is an excellent way for new developers to learn the basics of React and web development.
You can try the live demo of Passkeep here.
- Secure Storage: Store passwords in the browser's local storage.
- Simple UI: Easy-to-use interface for adding, viewing, and deleting passwords.
- React Framework: Built with React, a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
Follow these instructions to get a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Before you begin, ensure you have the following installed on your machine:
- Node.js (v12 or higher)
- npm (v6 or higher) or yarn (v1.22 or higher)
Clone the repository
git clone
Navigate to the project directory
cd passkeep
- Install dependencies Using npm:
npm install
Or using yarn:
yarn install
- Running the Application To start the application in development mode, run:
Using npm:
npm start
Or using yarn:
yarn start
Enjoy using Passkeep! Happy coding!