The project is curretly in development using frameworks and tools from Hyperledger, in particular Fabric and Composer
The business network is designed to capture the interactions between researchers within the academic community as well as participants from outside of the academia. The interactions involve digital research objetcs, that are shared and traded as assets accross a network. Some examples of digital research objects are: documents, presentations, datasets, code, among other object considered as valuable in the process of creating knowledge in a disciple onr accross many disicplines. A basic setup of a business network involves the digital research objets as assets
and researchers and institutions as participants
. These participants
exchange the assets
using different types of smart contracts
. The business network may be used to register interactions among participants
, provide tractability for the value creation process in science and it may include a system of tokens
to reward interactiosn among participants.
We will be posting updates on different versions of the business network jro
that can be used both in the Composer Playground or can be deployed locally in Fabric. The individual files that make up the business network archive are in the directory jro
of the repository.
First we need to intall the version of node and npm that is compatible with composer and fabric.
nvm install 8.9
You need to install IPFS locally
ipfs daemon
This step
The jro folder contains the bussines network definition and a bussiness network archive called jro@0.0.3.bna generated from this definition . If you wish, you can generate a business network archive with:
composer archive create -t dir -n .
After creating the .bna file, the business network can be deployed to the instance of Hyperledger Fabric, bootstrap a simple fabric network.
In the folder used for Fabric there is a subfolder named fabric-tools
where we can find the scripts (o archivos *.sh) to start, stop and destroy a basic Fabric node. Copy into the subfolder fabric-tools
the script
. This script allow to clean up the develpment enviorment after using the application (the last step in the process).
We can start the local Fabric node with
After these first steps you should have a folder called certificates
with the connection profile connection.json
, a certificate
and a private key for the administrator of the Fabric node 114aab0e76bf0c78308f89efc4b8c9423e31568da0c340ca187a9b17aa9a4457_sk
Also save into the folder certificates
the script
and the business network application file jro@0.0.3.bna
found in this repo.
To deploy the business network application jro@0.0.3.bna
we can use the following script,
After the script has run you can veryfy the connection to the node with the following command,
composer network ping -c admin@jro
The generated API is connected to the deployed blockchain and business network.
Launch your browser and go to the URL given http://localhost:3000/explorer for interacting with it. Rest server generates an endpoint for each participant, asset and transaction of the business network definition. Go to the business model to review all operations in the rest server. yo can use a api environment tool (e.g. Postman) to send Http Request to Hypeledger.
Additionally you can run hyperledger playground to see easily the changes in the components of the business model.
Follow the documentation regarding JRO Backend and Frontend
Dont forget to activate the virtual enviorment created in your local JROBackend folder
source jro/bin/activate
After testing the bna desgined with Composer and deployed onto Fabric it is important to tidy up by stopping fabric. Navigate to the folder where you initially started the Hyperledger Fabric network.