A web and iOS application that allows teams to communicate with each other as well collaborate on documents by sharing and commenting
Blake Koennecker | Charles Cortinas | Daniela Parra | David Pok | Erik Kimsey | Zachary Arney |
Stephen Bondor | Eileen Cuevas | Jonathan Miles | Kai Lovingfoss | Andrew Dhan | Nedim Omerovic |
Live link: https://arq.community
React offers a lightweight and modular component structure for rapid implementation and scaling of our application.
React info
Apollo Client is designed to quickly build a UI that works with GraphQL and integrates well with React. Apollo only grabs the data that is needed and uses a cache to store data which makes for faster load times.
Apollo Client info
Styled Components is a popular CSS-in-JS library that provides flexibility and seamless integration with React allowing for customizable themes and styling that responds to props and JS logic.
Styled Components info
Styled Icons provides icons from various popular free icon packs as easy-to-use Styled Components.
>Styled Icons info
Material-UI is an open source library that uses React components which implement Google's Material Design. It makes using and designing components easier for anyone that uses it.
Material-UI info
The Stripe API is used for payments. It is predictable, resource oriented, and organized around REST.
Stripe info
Provides Swipeable Views along with animation support.
React Swipeable Views info
React DnD is a set of React higher-order components to help you build complex drag and drop interfaces while keeping your components decoupled.
Lightweight library for smooth scrolling anchors in React, tied to URL hash.
React Scrollable Anchor
Used along with Prettier and Pretty-Quick to enforce coding convention with pre-commit hooks.
Husky info
Used along with Husky and Pretty-Quick to enforce coding conventions.
Prettier info
Used along with Husky and Prettier to enforce coding conventions.
Pretty-Quick info
Used for interfacing with GraphQL and creating schemas and resolvers.
Used to securely connect front end to back end.
Used for managing environment variables.
Express is a lightweight, modular and unopinionated framework for NodeJS.
GraphQL is a query language well-suited for multi-platform applications by allowing flexible data queries.
Use the GraphQL schema language to generate a schema with full support for resolvers, interfaces, unions, and custom scalars.
A suite of ExpressJS middlewares for properly setting and securing HTTP headers.
An object-oriented NoSQL database.
Provides a straight-forward, schema-based solution to model your application data. It includes built-in type casting, validation, query building, business logic hooks and more, out of the box.
Used for parsing phone numbers.
Credit card processing
Git commit hooks
Code formatter
Runs Prettier on changed files
Nodemon is a utility that will monitor for any changes in your source and automatically restart your server.
For security purposes, we will not post the keys on this repo, but if you need the keys to test the repo out on your personal development computer, access to them can be obtained in the slack channel labs10_team_home. Give a DM to any of the labs10 members, and they can probably get you up to speed on that.