Tetris game engine using the JavaFX platform.
To compile and run this source, you need an implementation of Java Development Kit at least version 11 and appropriate JavaFX installed in your system.
Firstly create environmental variable containing path to javafx/lib
for later usage:
$ FX_LIB="/path/to/javafx/lib"
Then compile sources into the build directory:
$ javac -d ./build --module-path=$FX_LIB --add-modules=javafx.controls src/*.java
Finally create a .jar package:
$ cd build
$ jar cvfm TetrisFX.jar ../src/Manifest.txt *
Now you can run application using created TetrisFX.jar file:
$ java --module-path=$FX_LIB --add-modules=javafx.controls -jar TetrisFX.jar