These are the dotfiles configured to match this reddit post.
This is a constant rough draft and will always be updated, tread carefully. There are many like them, but these are mine (and they're bad). I actually try to keep these files in working order ready to download however if you clone my whole dotfiles repo and stuff doesn't work out of the box that is due to my inexperience as a maintainer. Shoot me an issue and I will try and help.
Managed with yadm
- switch to kitty
- revamping neovim config
- switched to lua
- modularized everything (keybinds/plugins)
- switched to packer over vim-plug
- added LSP and autocompletion
- setup for: latex, c/c++, python
- setup LaTeX note taking with "live" (not supported with tectonic) updates
- switch to zinit over ohmyzsh
- add tmux to workflow
- make fzf ignore results like .DS_Store, .git, /node_modules, etc.
- video tutorial
This is a list of the programs we'll be installing and dependencies to get everything working as intended. If something isn't here I'll add it.
Note: These dotfiles are for my MacOS Computer and thus uses programs that will not work out of the box on other systems.
- MesloLGS NF (I'm not sure if this is correct, I'll fix if not)
- kitty
- homebrew
- zsh
- oh-my-zsh (I know, don't laugh)
- powerline10k
- packer
- neovim v0.5.0
- yabai & skhd
- lf
- spacebar
- fzf
- skim
- tectonic
I believe in the $XDG_CONFIG_HOME philosophy of cleaning your home directory. Start by navigating to your home directory and creating a .config directory:
mkdir .config
For whichever program I'm talking about, navigate to the .config directory and use
to create a directory of the same name shown in my repo. -
- Create and open up a file with the same name as described in my repo.
- Copy and paste the text from my file to yours.
- Download the file from this repo and move it to the proper directory.
To download homebrew, run this command:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Relies on: MesloLGS
brew install --cask kitty
I wrote it's own guide here as part of this repo if you'd like to exactly replicate the way my terminal looks in the post.
Should just work with the zshrc (so long as your paths are correct):
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Also relatively easy, just watch your paths and make sure everything is as it should be: Make sure to have MesloLGS NF installed.
git clone --depth=1 ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-$HOME/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/themes/powerlevel10k
Inspired by brokenbyte's.
Install neovim:
brew install neovim
Plugin manager for neovim v0.5.0, install like so:
git clone\
I use yabai with SIP enabled, if you'd like to disable it follow the guide on their github page. Also edit yabairc to suit your unmanaged window preferences.
First, install yabai using this command:
brew install koekeishiya/formulae/yabai
Second, install skhd:
brew install koekeishiya/formulae/skhd
Turning on yabai will f*ck up your windows on the first go around, figure out what you don't want managed and add it to your yabairc.
I lied, lf is the easiest to install (and I have no customization for it, it should just work):
brew install lf
First go to your system preferences and enable 'automatically hide and show menu bar'
Second, install by:
brew install cmacrae/formulae/spacebar
Install by:
brew install --cask skim
Install by:
brew install tectonic
Holy sh*t, you're done! If you have any questions please let me know and I will be sure to answer.