Block bad Rocket League gameservers temporarily.
This script identifies Rocket League gameserver IP while joining, gets its average ping out of three and adds a temporary Nullroute if the ping is above a defined threshold.
Launch an elevated Powershell and execute the script:
If the gameserver is declared good, this is the expected output:
Gameserver found:
Average Ping: 36ms
Packets Lost: 0/3
Have Fun!
If the gameserver is declared bad, this is the expected output:
Gameserver found:
Average Ping: 96ms
Packets Lost: 2/3
Adding Nullroute for on Interface #3 for 600 Seconds
- Keep in mind that the logic of this script does not protect against gameservers with good ping but high packet loss.
- The icmp response time and the ping displayed in game can vary by ~20ms. You can play with the -PingCutoff parameter to accommodate this if you are still getting too high ping.
Type: int Default: 80
Define the maximum allowed ping in miliseconds, default is 80.
.\RL-BadGameserverProtection.ps1 -PingCutoff 50
Type: int Default: 600
Define for how long a gameserver is blocked in seconds, default is 600 (10 minutes).
.\RL-BadGameserverProtection.ps1 -TimeOut 1200
This code is licensed under the "Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License", "wtfpl". However, if you publish or use it in any way, a mention of this site would be nice.