Here’s an mp3_player plugin for Rails. Check out for more info
To install: script/plugin install git://
To setup: script/generate mp3_player [name of your mp3 directory]
This adds ‘player.swf’ to public/ and creates a new folder for storing all of your audio files.
To play an mp3 file found in public/mp3s/mysong.mp3 simply add <%= mp3_player(“mp3s/mysong.mp3”) %> to your view.
If you’re using paperclip: <%= mp3_player @my_model.mp3.url %>.
Below is a list of the extra options you can specify: (All colors should be expressed as hexadecimal values minus the ‘#’. eg. <%= mp3_player @my_model.mp3.url, :bg => “99FFFF”) %>
- :width
width of the player when open in pixels, defaults to 290
- :class
class of the div wrapping the player, defaults to “mp3_player”
- :bg
background colour, defaults to “BBBBBB”
- :left_bg
background colour of the left tab, defaults to “AAAAAA”
- :right_bg
background colour of the right tab, defaults to “AAAAAA”
- :right_bg_hover
colour of the right background as the cursor hovers over, defaults to “EEEEEE”
- :left_icon
the colour of the speaker icon on the left, defaults to “222222”
- :right_icon
colour of the play/pause icon on the right, defaults to “222222”
- :right_icon_hover
colour of the play/pause icon as the cursor hovers over, defaults to “222222”
- :text
colour of the text, defaults to “222222”
- :slider
colour of the slider bar, defaults to “333333”
- :loader
colour of the loaded data so far, defaults to “DDDFFF”
- :track
colour of the track on the slider, defaults to “888888”
- :border
colour of the buffer border, defaults to “333333”
This plugin is based on the Audio Player Worpress Plugin by Martin Laine
Thanks to Matt Ittigson ( for inspiring changes to help support paperclip.
Copyright © 2009 Gavin Morrice (, released under the MIT license