Simple application that helps users pull up relevant music videos according to their mood and based on their text input. It also provides the current weather in their city and links music based on that weather.
See How To Use section for an explanation of how it works.
-HTML -CSS -Javascript -Jquery -Bulma -API
Open web page.
Click on 'Browse Moods" to navigate to the mood selection page.
Type in a mood you are feeling currently or a type of music you'd like to listen to.
Press 'Enter'.
App generates a relevant music video.
Click on 'Search City' to navigate to the weather page.
Type in a city, preferably one you are currently in.
Press 'Enter'.
App generates a relevant music video.
Link to site:
Link to GitHub repository:
Made by: Leandro Parrado: Deleon Xavier Francis: Sofia Mantas: Moses Vani: