This is a HashiCorp Vault plugin that generates tokens for Grafana Cloud and standalone Grafana instances.
Binary releases are available at
The checksum for the binaries are signed with cosign. To verify the binaries, download the following files (where
is the version of the release):
Then download the release binaries you need. Here, we just download the linux amd64 binary:
Then run the following commands to verify the checksums and signature:
# Verify checksum signature
$ cosign verify-blob --signature vault-plugin-secrets-grafana_${VERSION}_checksums.txt.sig --certificate vault-plugin-secrets-grafana_${VERSION}_checksums.txt.pem vault-plugin-secrets-grafana_${VERSION}_checksums.txt --certificate-identity "${VERSION}" --certificate-oidc-issuer ""
# Verify checksum with binaries
$ sha256sum -c vault-plugin-secrets-grafana_${VERSION}_checksums.txt
- Create an Access Policy
in Grafana Cloud with the following scopes:
. - Generate a token for the Access Policy.
- Configure the Grafana secrets backend:
vault write grafana/config type=cloud token=<token>
- Create an Access Policy role:
vault write grafana/roles/my-access-policy-role type=cloud_access_policy region=us scopes="accesspolicies:read, accesspolicies:write" realms='[{"type": "org", "identifier": "<org_identifier>", "labelPolicies": []}]'
- Generate a token for the Access Policy role:
vault read grafana/creds/my-access-policy-role
- Create a Service Account role:
vault write grafana/roles/my-service-account-role type=grafana_service_account stack=mycompany role=Editor
- Generate a token for the Service Account role:
vault read grafana/creds/my-service-account-role
- Create a Service Account in your Grafana instance with the
basic role, or the following fixed roles:Roles:Role writer
,Service accounts:Service account writer
. - Generate a token for the Service Account.
- Configure the Grafana secrets backend:
vault write grafana/config type=grafana token=<token> url=<instance_url>
- Create a Service Account role:
vault write grafana/roles/my-service-account-role role=Editor
- Generate a token for the Service Account role:
vault read grafana/creds/my-service-account-role
Parameter | Description | Required | Default |
type |
The Grafana installation type. Should be set to cloud |
yes |
none |
token |
The Access Policy token. | yes |
none |
url |
The URL of the Grafana Cloud instance. | no | |
Parameter | Description | Required | Default |
type |
The Grafana installation type. Should be set to grafana |
yes |
none |
token |
The Service Account token. | yes |
none |
url |
The URL of the Grafana instance, example: |
yes |
none |
- If using basic roles:
- If using fixed roles:
Roles:Role writer
Service accounts:Service account writer
For Grafana Cloud, roles can be created to generate either Access Policy tokens or Service Account tokens.
Parameter | Description | Required | Default | Example |
type |
The role type. Should be cloud_access_policy . |
yes |
none |
region |
The region the Grafana Cloud organization is in. | yes |
none |
us |
scopes |
Comma separated list of scopes. | yes |
none |
accesspolicies:read, accesspolicies:wrte |
realms |
JSON array string representing the realm. | yes |
none |
[{"type": "org", "identifier": "123456", "labelPolicies": []}, {"type": "org", "identifier": "456789", "labelPolicies": []}] |
allowed_subnets |
Comma separated list of allowed subnets. | no |
none |, 2001:db0:82a3:0:0:8a5e:370:1234/1238 |
Parameter | Description | Required | Default | Example |
type |
The role type. Should be grafana_service_account . |
yes |
none |
stack |
The stack slug for your Grafana Cloud instance | yes |
none |
mycompany |
role |
The basic role. Valid values are Admin , Editor or Viewer . |
no |
none |
Editor |
rbac_roles |
Comma separated list of fixed or custom roles. Use the role's name, rather than it's id as the backend automatically looks up the id of each role and uses them. Note: use the name of the role, not the display name. | no |
none |
fixed:roles:writer, fixed:alerting.rules:reader, my-custom-role |
For Grafana instances, roles can only generate Service Account tokens.
Parameter | Description | Required | Default | Example |
role |
The basic role. Valid values are Admin , Editor or Viewer . |
no |
none |
Editor |
rbac_roles |
Comma separated list of fixed or custom roles. Use the role's name, rather than it's id as the backend automatically looks up the id of each role and uses them. Note: use the name of the role, not the display name. | no |
none |
fixed:roles:writer, fixed:alerting.rules:reader, my-custom-role |
Grafana instances hosted on Grafana Cloud become dormant if they have not been used for a while. This results in service account creation failing when the instance is dormant:
$ vault read grafana/creds/service-account-role
Error reading grafana/creds/service-account-role: Error making API request.
Code: 500. Errors:
* 1 error occurred:
* error creating service account: error creating service account from cloud token: error response from server (403): {"code":"Forbidden","traceID":"4dXXXX","message":"operation not allowed"}
To resolve the issue, wake up the Grafana instance by logging into the Grafana Cloud control panel in the browser and launching the Grafana instance.
To run unit tests, run go test -v ./...
from the root of the repository.
To run unit tests and acceptance tests, set the following environment variables and run go test -v ./...
from the root of the repository:
Environment Variable | Description | Example |
Whether to run acceptance tests or not. | 1 |
Grafana Cloud Access Policy token with the following scopes: accesspolicies:read , accesspolicies:write , accesspolicies:delete , stacks:read and stack-service-accounts:write |
glc_eyJvIjoiXXXXIjp7InIiOiJ1cyJ9fQ== |
The Grafana Cloud instance stack slug. | mycompany |
The region the Grafana Cloud organization is in. | us |
The id of the grafana cloud organization. | 123456 |
- Running acceptance tests will create and delete Access Policies and Service Accounts in your Grafana Cloud account.
- To test the backend in Grafana instance mode, we create a test service account in the Grafana Cloud stack and use that to simulate a standalone Grafana instance.