Automate webfactory installation via Vagrant
The Vagrantfile allows automated installation of a Webfactory environment: Ubuntu VM 14.04 with docker, docker-compose and 4 containers: mysql, webfact and optionally nginx and nginx-gen. It is design for a test enviroment on a local Laptop, but serves also as a pattern for a server side installation.
Requirements: Vagrant +2 plugins + a provider such as virtualbox, outgoing internet connectivity. Tested on: Mac 10.10, with Virtualbox 4.3.30 and Vagrant 1.7.4
- Install Virtualbox, Vagrant
- Install vagrant plugins
# needed if proxies used, local NAT: see Vagrantfile
vagrant plugin install vagrant-proxyconf
vagrant plugin install vagrant-triggers
vagrant global-status
- Clone the webfact-make repository, change to that directory and install via vagrant
git clone
cd webfact-make
vagrant up
Wait for many minutes, as first the box is downloaded (if needed), the VM is created, docker+tools installed and finally the containers are created within the VM. To follow container creation progress once VM is running, connect into the vm with "vagrant ssh" and follow the installation with "docker logs -f webfact"
Connect to the Webfactory UI, login as admin/admin to: http://localhost:8000
First website
There should be one default template for Drupal7 and one initial website Vanilla
Modify Vanilla so that its port 80 is mapped to port 8001:
Select Websites > Vanilla > Meta data:
template=Plain Drupal7 (default)
advanced > docker ports = 80:8001
Create the container: Manage > Create
Wait 3 minutes as Drupal installs. Follow progress via Manage > Docker Logs.
Visit the new website http://localhost:8001
If your network needs outgoing proxies, enable and adapt the proxy lines in Vagrantfile and docker-compose/docker-compose.yml
The following procedure in for a Mac (10.10). Both DNS and port mapping are setup within the OS.
- Install dnsmasq (via macports)
- Add /opt/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf
vi /opt/local/etc/dnsmasq.conf
# reload:
sudo killall dnsmasq
- Add dnsmasq as a resolver for *.docker
mkdir -v /etc/resolver
echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolver/docker
sudo killall mDNSResponder
- check DNS
scutil --dns
...resolver #8
domain : docker
nameserver[0] :
# check dnsmasq resolution
nslookup webfact.docker localhost
nslookup foo.webfact.docker localhost
ping webfact.docker
ping foo.webfact.docker
- Install the vagrant plugin to allow firewall (pf) control
vagrant plugin install vagrant-triggers
# and enable the firewall
sudo pfctl -e
# Optional; look at firewall status:
sudo pfctl -s all
# NAT rules:
sudo pfctl -s nat
- Start nginx containers
cd docker-compose
docker-compose up -d nginx nginx-gen
- Connect to the Webfactory UI routed though pf, vagrant, nginx: http://webfact.docker
- Connect to the Webfactory subsite "vanilla" routed to the container with VIRTUAL_HOST=vanilla http://VANILLA.webfact.docker
Prio #1
- Proxies: the Install of the Vm, docker+tools works, but not the automated install of the webfact container. Running the "docker composer -d webfact" by hand within the vm "vagrant ssh" works fine. This is not a problem without proxies.
- Browser proxy: does not allow access to http://webfact.docker (Fine without proxies)
Prio #2
- explain more how the vagrant file works (ports mapped, etc.)
- document docker composer usage
- Add a boran/jenkins & cibuild container to docker-compose?
- nginx: add some certs, https example.
Proxies: if you network requires outgoing access via a proxy, the vagrant-proxyconf is needed. See also It updates /etc/profile.d/ /etc/environment and can be activated via command line too, e.g. VAGRANT_HTTP_PROXY="" vagrant up
Passwords: The mysql root, u_webfact and webfact_create passwords are in clear text in the docker-compose file, they should be changed. They are also visible as docker environemnt variables for the relevant containers. The default login of drupal websites created is admin/admin, which can also be changed via docker env variables.
Mac: port forwarding of port 80/443: Vagrant cannot fwd ports below 1024 (unix limitation). For a solution on Mac 10.10, see and Port 80 on the MAC is mapped to 8080 within the VM then 8080 within the VM is passed onto the nginx container.
Changing the firewall requires sudo rights, so vagrant up will request a password. If port 80 is not needed and you are happy using http://localhost:8000 to access the webfact UI, either do not install the vagrant-triggers plugin or comment out the lines enclused in vagrant-triggers in the Vagrantfile.
Firewall troubleshooting, MAC 10.10:
# Switch on pf:
sudo pfctl -e
# Look at firewall status:
sudo pfctl -s all
# NAT rules:
sudo pfctl -s nat