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Webfact-make: Automation for building a Webfactory UI

The Webfactory provides a UI to interface to the Docker API, allowing operations on containers/images. It aims to streamline dev and operations for Drupal websites. See also

Containers can also managed on a Mesos cluster via Marathon and bamboo (experimental).

The Webfactory consists of several modules: webfact (main logic), webfact_content_types (features/views), webfact-make (build/install), webfact_theme (styling), webfactapi (optional remote control).

You need: Docker server (e.g. Ubuntu 14.04) with docker 1.7 or later Mysql and drupal container for the webfactory (e.g. the "boran/drupal" container) THe webfact modules listed above. Some Drupal contrib modules and the Bootstrap theme.

Installation: Vagrant (easiest)

See the document for an automated install of a local VM with docker+webfactory. This is the recommended way to get going.

Installation: using docker-compose

We assume you have docker installed (see and know how to use it.

The docker-compose tool can be used to install the webfactory container. It is also used as part of the vagrant automation.

Installation: With Mesos rather than docker

The Webfactory can also manage container on a Mesos cluster via Marathon and Bamboo APIs. Set WEBFACT_API=1 when installing the container. Installation via vagrant or docker-compose has not been implemented for this scenario. See in the webfact repo.

Installation: using a drush makefile and the boran/drupal image

We assume you have docker installed (see and know how to use it.

Setup a new container based on the boran/drupal image. The container called webfact points port 8020 on the docker host to it. It also makes the docker socket available in the container.

# grab the latest image
docker pull boran/drupal

# create a webfact container

# incase you already had a webfact
docker stop $name; docker rm $name;

docker run -td -p $port:80 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /opt/sites/$name:/data -v /opt/sites:/opt/sites -e "DRUPAL_SITE_NAME=WebFactory" -e "DRUPAL_ADMIN_EMAIL=$email" -e "DRUPAL_SITE_EMAIL=$email" -e "DRUPAL_MAKE_REPO=" -e "DRUPAL_MAKE_DIR=webfact-make" -e DRUPAL_INSTALL_PROFILE=webfactp -e DRUPAL_FINAL_SCRIPT=/opt/drush-make/webfact-make/scripts/  -e "VIRTUAL_HOST=$domain" --restart=always --hostname $domain --name $name $image

# follow progress
docker logs -f $name

Installation done: go to the website page and log on as admin, password=admin and see the configuration section below.

Installation: step by step

Lets install step by step to better understand (or if the quickie section above did not work for you). First install a boran/drupal docker container. This will setup vanilla drupal and point port 8020 on the docker host to it. It also makes the docker socket available in the container.

# grab the latest image
docker pull boran/drupal
# create a webfact container (adapt name/email)
docker run -td -p 8020:80 -e "VIRTUAL_HOST=$domain" -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e "DRUPAL_SITE_NAME=WebFactory" -e "DRUPAL_ADMIN_EMAIL=$email" -e "DRUPAL_SITE_EMAIL=$email" --restart=always --hostname $domain --name $name $image

Now connect into the container (via "docker exec -it webfact bash"), remove any previous DB or code. You could also start from this step if not using the boran/drupal container.

\rm -rf /var/www/html
echo "drop database drupal" |mysql
echo "create database drupal; grant all on drupal.* to drupal" |mysql

Get and execute the make file: download all modules

drush make /var/www/html

Create directories

mkdir -p /var/www/html/sites/default/files /var/www/html/sites/all/libraries/composer /var/lib/drupal-private
chown -R www-data /var/www/html/sites/default /var/www/html/sites/all /var/lib/drupal-private

Run the install profile

MYSQL_PASSWORD=`cat /drupal-db-pw.txt`
(cd /var/www/html/sites/default &&  drush site-install webfactp -y --account-name=admin --account-pass=changeme --account-mail=$YOUREMAIL --site-name=$sitename --site-mail=$YOUREMAIL  --db-url="mysqli://drupal:${MYSQL_PASSWORD}@localhost:3306/drupal" )

Manual step: download composer components

(cd /var/www/html; drush dl -y composer-8.x-1.x; drush -y composer-manager install)
chown www-data /var/run/docker.dock;

Installation done: go to the website page and log as admin/admin and see the configuration section below.

Installation: /var/www/html from your custom repo

Lets say you have installed a fresh Drupal and checked /var/www/html into your own repo. Assuming all required modules are available, one can install the container ba a) checking out your repo, running the webfact profile and final script, e.g.

# grab the latest image
docker pull boran/drupal

# create a webfact container

docker stop $name;
docker rm $name;

docker run -td -p $port:80 -e "VIRTUAL_HOST=$domain" -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /opt/sites/$name:/data -v /opt/sites:/opt/sites -e "DRUPAL_SITE_NAME=WebFactory" -e "DRUPAL_ADMIN_EMAIL=$email" -e "DRUPAL_SITE_EMAIL=$email" -e "DRUPAL_GIT_REPO=https://YOUR.GITREPO.COM/some/path" -e "DRUPAL_GIT_BRANCH=master" -e DRUPAL_INSTALL_PROFILE=webfactp -e DRUPAL_FINAL_SCRIPT=/var/www/html/profiles/webfactp/scripts/"  -e "VIRTUAL_HOST=$domain" --restart=always --hostname $domain --name $name $image

Notes: adapt DRUPAL_GIT_REPO and DRUPAL_GIT_BRANCH. Clone into /var/www/html/profiles/webfactp. Adapt /var/www/html/profiles/webfactp/scripts/ if you need to automated some settings when installing.


See the issues on github and specifically the meta #3: #3

Configuration (after installation)

After installation a basic webfactory should be running, with one sample website and one template. Next steps:

  • Login and change the admin password.
  • Webfactory settings: admin/config/development/webfact: set the URL for the docker host, domain prefix and other settings
  • menu order: put 'home' first (admin/structure/menu/manage/main-menu)
  • Permissions:
    • Assign the Site Owner role to users who need to create websites.
    • permissions: This role should be able to create new, edit own and delete own 'website' entities. You may wish to allow Site Owners to create and edit own Template entities.
    • Site Owners probably need teh 'Access websites" and otpionally 'Manage Containers'.
    • the Administrator role should have all rights on the Website/Template content types and Webfactory UI.

Optional configuration:

  • Webfactory
    • admin/structure/block: enable the myWebsites into the content zone, only for the listed pages 'user', 'user/*'
    • node/add: add more templates
  • Modules:
    • Enable node export. Now you can export/import templates from another Webfactory instance (see node/add/node_export)
  • Backups . Enable the Backup/Migrate modules, and configure it - admin/config/system/backup_migrate . In the settings tab, override the the manual and schedules directories to /data/backup_migrate/manual and /data/backup_migrate/scheduled . Create a Schedule "daily" with default settings . Override Settings > Settings profiles > Default > Override > Advanced: enable 'Send an email if backup succeeds' . Do a 'Backup now' with destination of Manual Backups Directory
  • Contact: The contact form is already enabled as /contact. Set recipients under admin/structure/contact. Add it to the main menu after templates.


  • Build a first Drupal website:
    • Go to the websites menu > vanilla > Manage > create.
    • It will take about 20 seconds and the 'built status' will reach 100.
    • Go to Manage > Docker logs to follow progress.
    • Now, visit the new website that has been created? If the installation was done via Vagrant, go to http://http://localhost:8001. The website can be reached in several ways, mapping a port on the docker server to the new website, or using an nginx container to automatically map the port.
  • So lets make the website visible by mapping a port
    • For the vanilla example, there is a mapping to poprt 8001. Go to Websites > vanilla > meta data, scroll down to advanced and open that section, see "80:9001" in the docker ports section.
    • Back on the vanilla page, go to Advanced > Rebuild from sources. Wait 30 secs.
    • Then go to, replacing with the IP of your docker server. You'll see the drupal front page and can login with user/passwd=admin/admin (the default for the boran/drupal docker image).
  • From the vanilla page (website/advanced/3), experiment with the start/stop/logs commands in the manage menu.
  • In the Advanced menu, checkout the Inspect and Run Command
  • Try Advanced > 'Rebuild container', or 'Rebuild, wipe data'
  • Now you've had a basic overview, enjoy the rest. (Feel free to submit a patch with additional doc :-)


Automating the installation of the webfactory UI






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