A simple IRC-Like chat powered by Node.js
into the projects root folder and run npm install
and bower install
Make sure you have mocha
installed globally. If not, install it with sudo npm i mocha -g
###Starting the Server
You can start the server using npm run start
command. To change
the port, edit package.json file, under "scripts", edit the "start" command
and change the port from the default (which is 4500) to whatever you want.
###Running Tests
You can run tests by cd
ing into the root folder and running npm run test
Please note that one test will fail, and this is intentional. (It fails routing to /about
###Deploy on Server
See this tutorial on how to run it on your server using nginx:
Deploying Nodejs Apps - Digital Ocean
Borderliner: [hajianpour.mr@gmail.com]