is a simple to use time measurement class.
It calculates the time elapsed between construction and destruction.
Depending on what you provided on construction
- the time is stored in a variable or
- a function is executed, with the time being its argument
is a header only library.
The header in src
can be used directly.
Nevertheless cmake
can be used for testing, generating documentation, analysing the code, and installing.
CMake flag: -DBUILD_TESTS=ON (default) or OFF
Two kinds of tests are generated:
- unit-tests to check correct behaviour
- compilation-tests to ensure correct template meta programming
CMake flag: -DBUILD_DEMOS=OFF (default) or ON
Build a simple demo application that shows how to use bosswestfalen::stopwatch
CMake flag: -DBUILD_DOCS=OFF (default) or ON
Generate Doxygen documentation and store at ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/docs
Note: make sure doxygen
is installed.
CMake flag: -DBUILD_CODEANALYSIS=OFF (default) or ON
Analyze the code (header only) with clang-tidy
Note: make sure clang-tidy
is installed.
Use cmake --build . --target install
to nstall the header to ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/include/bosswestfalen/stopwatch.hpp