Responsive Grid View for React Native.
This component renders a Grid View that adapts itself to various screen resolutions.
Instead of passing an itemPerRow argument, you pass itemWidth
and each item will be rendered with a width equal to or more than (to fill the screen) the given width.
Internally, this component uses the native ListView.
You can install the package via npm.
npm install react-native-super-grid
If your react native is below v0.49, install version 1.0.4 - npm install react-native-super-grid@1.0.4
import GridView from 'react-native-super-grid';
renderItem={item => (<Text>{item}</Text>)}
Property | Type | Default Value | Description |
renderItem | Function | Function to render each object. Should return a react native component. | |
items | Array | Items to be rendered. renderItem will be called with each item in this array. | |
itemWidth | Number | 120 | Minimum width for each item in pixels (virtual). |
fixed | Boolean | false | If true, the exact itemWidth will be used and won't be adjusted to fit the screen. |
spacing | Number | 10 | Spacing between each item. |
style | ListView styles (Object) | Styles for the container. Styles for an item should be applied inside renderItem . |
staticWidth | Number | undefined | Specifies a static width for the GridView container. If your container width is known or can be calculated at runtime (via Dimensions.get('window') , for example), passing this prop will force the grid container to that width and avoid the reflow associated with dynamically calculating the container's width |
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, View, Text } from 'react-native';
import GridView from 'react-native-super-grid';
export default class Example extends Component {
render() {
// Taken from
const items = [
{ name: 'TURQUOISE', code: '#1abc9c' }, { name: 'EMERALD', code: '#2ecc71' },
{ name: 'PETER RIVER', code: '#3498db' }, { name: 'AMETHYST', code: '#9b59b6' },
{ name: 'WET ASPHALT', code: '#34495e' }, { name: 'GREEN SEA', code: '#16a085' },
{ name: 'NEPHRITIS', code: '#27ae60' }, { name: 'BELIZE HOLE', code: '#2980b9' },
{ name: 'WISTERIA', code: '#8e44ad' }, { name: 'MIDNIGHT BLUE', code: '#2c3e50' },
{ name: 'SUN FLOWER', code: '#f1c40f' }, { name: 'CARROT', code: '#e67e22' },
{ name: 'ALIZARIN', code: '#e74c3c' }, { name: 'CLOUDS', code: '#ecf0f1' },
{ name: 'CONCRETE', code: '#95a5a6' }, { name: 'ORANGE', code: '#f39c12' },
{ name: 'PUMPKIN', code: '#d35400' }, { name: 'POMEGRANATE', code: '#c0392b' },
{ name: 'SILVER', code: '#bdc3c7' }, { name: 'ASBESTOS', code: '#7f8c8d' },
return (
renderItem={item => (
<View style={[styles.itemContainer, { backgroundColor: item.code }]}>
<Text style={styles.itemName}>{}</Text>
<Text style={styles.itemCode}>{item.code}</Text>
const styles = StyleSheet.create({
gridView: {
paddingTop: 25,
flex: 1,
itemContainer: {
justifyContent: 'flex-end',
borderRadius: 5,
padding: 10,
height: 150,
itemName: {
fontSize: 16,
color: '#fff',
fontWeight: '600',
itemCode: {
fontWeight: '600',
fontSize: 12,
color: '#fff',
iPhone6 Portrait | iPhone6 Landscape |
iPad Air 2 Portrait | iPad Air 2 Landscape |
Android Portrait | Android Landscape |
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.
- Replace view.propTypes to ViewPropTypes for 0.49+. @caudaganesh
- Optional staticWidth prop @thejettdurham.
- Use prop-types package instead of deprecated react's PropTypes.
- Pass row index to renderItem @heaversm.
Colors in the example from
Screenshot Mockup generated from