Table of Contents
The image service allows any utils service to send files to be publicly hosted. Through an utils interface, such as Directus for example, a user can utils an image and obtain a public URL to use to access their file. The user can either use the original image via a specific URL or process the image for optimization.
The image service (more generally files) consists of a first Nginx server whose configuration contains 3 types of locations:
- /catalog
- /assets/media/*
- /purge/assets/media/*
This first web server is caching resource 1m, then proxy pass to the nginx purge server that contains the same locations but configured with proxy_purge_module. This server caching 30d and can invalidate cache with purge location.
To retrieve an uploaded file, 3 ways :
- /assets/media/original/
: no processing on the image - /assets/media/full/
: transform to webp and serve as webp - /assets/media/optimise/200x0/
: resizing to with 200 and transform to webp and serve as webp
And finally an Express Node API whose roles are:
- providing the list of files exposed by the catalog/reference on a GET route
- uploading new files
- updating existing files
An important point is also the notion of catalog. The catalog serves as a reference & truth for the express API, containing information indicating not to serve it (either it has been deleted from the catalog, or it has expired for example).
To track the images that we have uploaded/deleted/updated we use a Redis server and serve catalog list to json format. Here's a glimpse of it's structure:
"uuid": "e080a953-5300-427b-bd39-6e235d8238a2",
"version": 1,
"namespace": "DEV",
"public_url": "http://localhost:8080/palpatine/assets/media/full/image/DEV/default.webp",
"unique_name": "/DEV/default.webp",
"filename": "default.webp",
"original_filename": "default.webp",
"base_url": "http://localhost:8080/palpatine/assets/media",
"external_id": null,
"expired": false,
"expiration_date": null,
"information": null,
"original_mimetype": "image/webp",
"mimetype": "image/webp",
"signature": "ca71754acda70e41cb23e465fbb5ecc683186cf779a2bae2cbf290527b1f6671",
"size": 16730,
"destination": "DEV"
"uuid": "d26a191f-1087-4169-b6cd-3db96f38ece4",
"version": 1,
"namespace": "DEV",
"public_url": "http://localhost:8080/palpatine/assets/media/full/image/DEV/error.webp",
"unique_name": "/DEV/error.webp",
"filename": "error.webp",
"original_filename": "error.webp",
"base_url": "http://localhost:8080/palpatine/assets/media",
"external_id": null,
"expired": false,
"expiration_date": null,
"information": null,
"original_mimetype": "image/webp",
"mimetype": "image/webp",
"signature": "368ba95afb311edfe0cb7f3b4a221e8b2a3edeb4e16fc5683762791f9619b28a",
"size": 10614
3 daily jobs associated with TADA (Transform And Deliver Assets ๐):
- a job to synchronize the state of our API in relation to YOUR delegated_storage: if the image is in the catalog, but not in your storage, it deletes the image from the catalog.
- a catalog publication job on your delegated storage: the status of the catalog once a day is published on your storage which allows you to retrieve the most up-to-date list in the event of a new API instance.
- a job to check the expiration of the files in the catalog with an expiration date.
apiVersion: v2
name: chart
description: A Helm chart for Kubernetes
type: application
version: 0.1.0
appVersion: '0.0.1'
- name: transform-and-deliver-assets
version: latest
repository: oci://
All releases :
local: true
redis: ...
delegatedStorage: ...
s3: ...
mediaApi: ...
rateLimit: ...
domain: .media
env: media-service
Clรฉ | Description | Exemples de Valeurs |
local | Enable or disable the local mode | true / false |
redis.service | Redis service name | 'redis-service' |
redis.dumpFolderPath | Redis dump folder path | '/dumps' | | Redis storage class name | 'hostpath' | | Redis storage requested space | '500Mi' |
delegatedStorage.rateLimitWindow | Delegated storage rate limit window (ms) | 30000 |
delegatedStorage.rateLimit | Delegated storage rate limit | 5 | | Custom service API host | 'your_custom_service_api' |
delegatedStorage.routes.readinessCheck | Readiness check path | '/readiness-check' |
delegatedStorage.accessToken | Access token for the delegated storage | 'your_access_token' |
delegatedStorage.storageMethod | Storage method | 'DISTANT_BACKEND' |
s3.routes.readinessCheck | Readiness check path for MinIO | '/minio/health/live' |
s3.endpoint | Endpoint for S3/MinIO | 'minio' |
s3.port | Port for S3/MinIO | '9000' |
s3.accessKey | Access key for S3/MinIO | 'minioadmin' |
s3.secretKey | Secret key for S3/MinIO | 'minioadmin' |
s3.bucketName | Bucket name for S3/MinIO | 'media' | | Storage class name for S3/MinIO | 'hostpath' | | Requested storage space for S3/MinIO | '500Mi' |
mediaApi.service | URL for the media service | 'http://media-service' |
mediaApi.apiPrefix | API prefix for the media service | '/palpatine' |
mediaApi.routes.healthcheck.get | Media healthcheck endpoint | '/readiness-check' |
mediaApi.routes.file.get | Endpoint to get files | '/assets/media/' | | Endpoint to upload a file | '/upload' | | Endpoint to upload multiple files | '/uploads' |
mediaApi.routes.catalog.get | Endpoint to get the file catalog | '/catalog' |
mediaApi.payloadMaxSize | Maximum payload size | '10mb' |
mediaApi.rateLimit.windowMs | Rate limit window (ms) | 30000 |
mediaApi.rateLimit.limit | Rate limit | 5 |
mediaApi.originsAllowed | Allowed origins | 'localhost,*' |
mediaApi.methodsAllowed | Allowed HTTP methods | 'GET,POST' | | Storage class name for media provider | 'hostpath' | | Requested storage space for media provider | '500Mi' |
rateLimit.windowMs | Rate limit window (ms) | 30000 |
rateLimit.limit | Rate limit | 5 |
domain | Domain for the service | '.media' |
env | Environment for the service | 'media-service' |
NAMESPACES_ALLOWED | Allowed namespaces | 'DEV' |
version | Chart version | '1.0.6' |
You can use our docker image API from docker hub
docker pull bouyguestelecom/tada:api-latest
- docker
- kubernetes
Prerequisites :
- Make installed
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Launch Makefile
make start
- Stop services
make stop
Prerequisites :
- Helm installed
- Docker
- Kubernetes
- Helm install
helm upgrade --install media-release opensource/. -f opensource/values.local.yaml
- Helm uninstall
helm uninstall media-release
Prerequisites :
- Docker compose
- Docker
- Build and run services (image docker api from docker hub)
docker compose up --build -d
- Build and run services locally
docker compose -f up --build -d
- Stop services
docker compose down
- npm
- node
- Install NPM packages
npm install --prefix src/api/
- Run api
npm run dev:api
- Add Changelog
- Add waza
- Add waza 2
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!
- Fork the Project
- Create your Feature Branch (
git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature
) - Commit your Changes (
git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature'
) - Push to the Branch (
git push origin feature/AmazingFeature
) - Open a Pull Request
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
Maintainer name - Bouygues Telecom
Project Link: