Kuery is a cross-platform orm system aiming to support multiple database systems with as little code invasion as possible.
This defines how much the library affects the final outlook of your code and how it can interact with other libraries.
class User : Entity<*>()
This definition affects future code base use i.e. If we'd like to now make everything serializable, we'd have to write intermediate implementations for Entity with kotlin-serialization. Since Entity class isn't serialized and no need for it currently since it's just used for interaction with the database period. And moving it across the wire isn't really preferred.
Also, this definition will affect class look / design i.e.
import libetal.kuery.DatabaseInstance.string
class User : Entity<*>() {
val name: String by string("name")
In future if we need this as a data class well we can't since the dataclass below isn't sound code plus would really look boring
data class User(val name: String by string("name"))
While this does add code to your code base it doesn't really change much
class User
Future Serialization
import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable;
import libetal.libraries.kuery.sql.annotations.Entity;
data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)
Removing the above code from your source will only require you to delete the "database class implementation"
- Minimal code invasion
We can easily remove most Kuery code and the code should work
the same- This will provide for a proper plug and play into already existing projects with minimum effort
- Ease of transition from DBMS to another
- Plug and Play
- Ease of integration
- All SQL should be expressed as properly syntax analyzable kotlin code.
- IF it's a DBMS And It's clean contribution it will be merged.
- Update
- Delete
- Read
- Update
- Delete
- Read
Implementation of this will affect the kuery: core
- Update code base structure into
kuery:core kuery:graph kuery:graph:ql // This are core modules kuery:graph:ql-js kuery:graph:ql-jvm kuery:graph:ql-native // not sure of yet kuery:relational // core module this is what's currently kuery:core kuery:relational:sqlite:jvm kuery:relational:sqlite:native kuery:relational:sqlite:android kuery:relational:sql:mariadb // core module kuery:relational:sql:mariadb-jvm kuery:relational:sql:mariadb-native kuery:relational:sql:postgres // core module kuery:relational:sql:postgres-jvm kuery:relational:sql:postgres-native
- Update
- Delete
- Read
Suggest for new database implementations here
- Coroutines
This takes precedence after implementation of the mariadb