This is a small Spark project where the original .py file was gotten from The original script cleans and transforms a dataset containing 100000 movie titles, their respective ratings, genres and more, and recommends 10 other movies you should watch, if you entered/liked a particular movie. I've went on to make some small minor improvements to the script, adding a new dataframe that contains each movie ID and its respective average rating, and using this dataframe to filter away movies in our final selection with an average rating below 3, because we don't want to be recommending crappy movies do we?
Instructions to use the script
- After cloning down the code, look for the movie ID that you would like to receive recommendations for in the u.item file found in the ml-100k folder.
- Go to the terminal and enter the following command: spark-submit
- And the output you get will be similar to what is in the capture.png file