This is a scheduling app that was written for a bar. It utilizes this frontend app (spreadsheet) also written in JS (Google Script), a database spreadsheet, and two Google Forms that are interconnect for this app to function. Currently, the roles in the schedule app can not be changed. If this scheduling app needed to be used for a business with completely different roles a future PR will be needed to make roles more dynamic.
- Database spreadsheet repo:
- REQUIRED -- Follow the read me in that repo for this databse to work
- Make a copy of the following Google spreadsheet:
To clone project: Add Google Apps Script GitHub Assistant ( to gain access to GitHub functionalty
After cloning the repo and making a copy of the Google spreadsheet, open the spreadsheet and do the following:
- Tools->Script editor->in "0) Global Variables" change
var ssData = SpreadsheetApp.openById( --THE ID OF THE DATABSE SPREADSHEET-- );
- The ID can be found in the URL for your SCHEDULING APP DATABASE spreadsheet, not the scheduling app spreadsheet, from:
- ( https://.../spreadsheets/d/THE-SPREADSHEET-ID-IS-HERE/... )
- REQUIRED -- If you do not change the ID the code will explode
- The ID can be found in the URL for your SCHEDULING APP DATABASE spreadsheet, not the scheduling app spreadsheet, from:
You will need to give permissions the first time you want to run the script.