Lipstick is small library which aim to improve usage of UIKit (UIColor, CGRect ...). It consists mostly of convenience inits, helper methods etc. Main motivation behind this library is the protocol Stylable
which allows easy style application to UIView
(See Usage/Stylable).
List of all changes and new features can be found here.
- Swift 3
- iOS 8+
Lipstick is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your target in your Podfile:
pod "Lipstick"
To use Lipstick with Carthage add in your Cartfile this line:
github "Brightify/Lipstick"
Due to the nature of this library, the easiest way to learn its content is to look at tests or directly into source code. Below is listed complete content (sorted alphabetically except for Stylable) for quick reference.
Note: Inits for all structs like CGRect are created so that any parameter can be omitted (has default value of 0). For example: CGRect(x: 1)
, CGRect(origin: origin, width: 1)
and CGRect(x: 1, size: size)
are all valid and these possibilities are skipped from this documentation.
allows you to easily separate code defining view appearance from the rest. It is basically syntax sugar for using closures which modify passed object.
protocol Styleable { }
extension UIView: Styleable { }
typealias Style<T> = (T) -> Void
extension Styleable {
func apply(style: Style<Self>)
func apply(styles: Style<Self>...)
func apply(styles: [Style<Self>])
func styled(using styles: Style<Self>...) -> Self
func styled(using styles: [Style<Self>]) -> Self
func with(_ style: Style<Self>) -> Self
We recommend to put these styles into struct Styles
and nest it to extension like this:
class SomeView: UIView {
private let label = UILabel().styled(using: Styles.blueBackground)
fileprivate extension SomeView {
fileprivate struct Styles {
static func blueBackground(_ view: UILabel) {
view.backgroundColor =
static func whiteBackground(_ view: UILabel) {
view.backgroundColor = UIColor.whiteBackground
To later change the appearance of view do:
class SomeView: UIView {
private let label ...
func changeAppearanceOfLabel() {
label.apply(style: Styles.whiteBackground)
It is possible to use static var with closure instead of function like this:
static var style: Style<UILabel> = { view in
view.backgroundColor =
Or any other syntax that you are happy with.
You can also define some base styles globally and then call them from another styles like so:
struct BaseStyles {
static func blueBackground(_ view: UIView) {
view.backgroundColor =
struct LabelStyles {
static func yellowTintWithBlueBackground(_ label: UILabel) {
label.apply(style: BaseStyles.blueBackground)
label.tintColor = UIColor.yellow
func + (lhs: CGAffineTransform, rhs: CGAffineTransform) -> CGAffineTransform
func rotate(_ degrees: CGFloat) -> CGAffineTransform
func translate(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat) -> CGAffineTransform
func scale(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat) -> CGAffineTransform
Notes: rotate
, translate
and scale
are all global functions. They create corresponding CGAffineTransform
. All of them have default values (scale
has as default values 1).
extension CGPoint {
init(_ both: CGFloat)
init(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat)
extension CGRect {
init(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat, width: CGFloat, height: CGFloat)
init(x: CGFloat, y: CGFloat, size: CGSize)
init(origin: CGPoint, width: CGFloat, height: CGFloat)
extension CGSize {
init(_ both: CGFloat)
init(width: CGFloat, height: CGFloat)
func + (lhs: NSAttributedString, rhs: NSAttributedString) -> NSAttributedString
func + (lhs: String, rhs: NSAttributedString) -> NSAttributedString
func + (lhs: NSAttributedString, rhs: String) -> NSAttributedString
/// Enum which represents NS attributes for NSAttributedString (like NSStrokeColorAttributeName). Each case has value and assigned name.
enum Attribute {
var name: String
var value: AnyObject
extension Sequence where Iterator.Element == Attribute {
/// Creates dictionary from sequence of attributes by merging them together. String is name of case and AnyObject value corresponding to it.
func toDictionary() -> [String: AnyObject]
extension String {
func attributed(_ attributes: [Attribute]) -> NSAttributedString
func attributed(_ attributes: Attribute...) -> NSAttributedString
/// Returns input / 100.
postfix func %(input: CGFloat) -> CGFloat
extension UIButton {
init(title: String)
func setBackgroundColor(_ color: UIColor, forState state: UIControlState)
extension UICollectionView {
init(collectionViewLayout layout: UICollectionViewLayout)
extension UIColor {
/// Accepted formats: "#RRGGBB" and "#RRGGBBAA".
init(hex: String)
init(rgb: UInt)
init(rgba: UInt)
/// Increases color's brightness.
func lighter(by percent: CGFloat) -> UIColor
/// Reduces color's brightness.
func darker(by percent: CGFloat) -> UIColor
/// Increases color's saturation.
func saturated(by percent: CGFloat) -> UIColor
/// Reduces color's saturation.
func desaturated(by percent: CGFloat) -> UIColor
/// Increases color's alpha.
func fadedIn(by percent: CGFloat) -> UIColor
/// Reduces color's alpha.
func fadedOut(by percent: CGFloat) -> UIColor
extension UIEdgeInsets {
init(top: CGFloat, left: CGFloat, bottom: CGFloat, right: CGFloat)
init(_ all: CGFloat)
init(horizontal: CGFloat, vertical: CGFloat)
init(horizontal: CGFloat, top: CGFloat, bottom: CGFloat)
init(vertical: CGFloat, left: CGFloat, right: CGFloat)
extension UIFont {
init(_ name: String, _ size: CGFloat)
extension UILabel {
init(text: String)
extension UIOffset {
init(_ all: CGFloat)
init(horizontal: CGFloat)
init(vertical: CGFloat)
extension UITableView {
init(style: UITableViewStyle)
This library uses semantic versioning. Until version 1.0 API breaking changes may occur even in minor versions. We consider version 0.5 to be prerelease, which means that API should be stable but is not tested yet in real project. After that testing we make needed adjustments and bump the version to 1.0 (first release).
- Tadeas Kriz,
- Filip Dolník,
Lipstick is available under the MIT License.