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T Grinch edited this page Jan 30, 2023 · 31 revisions

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Getting Started

YAGSL can be utilized to generate a Swerve Drive for MAX Swerve, SDS MK4i, and SDS MK4 it uses generic. This can be configured via JSON for ease.

Deploy Directory

The deploy directory is used to add arbitrary files to the robot code, YAGSL uses this directory to store swerve module configurations. To get the location of the deploy directory you should use the function Filesystem.getDeployDirectory(). Swerve Drive initialization requires certain files and folders to be present in whichever directory you define as the "JSONDirectory" the folders are "modules", "modules/back", and "modules/front". The files required to be present in the directory are "swerve.json", "modules/back/left.json", "modules/back/right.json", "modules/front/left.json", and "modules/front/right.json". Below is an example of what a swerve "JSONDirectory" looks like in "deploy/swerve" (new File(Filesystem.getDeployDirectory(), "swerve"))

├── src
│   └── main
│       ├── deploy
│       │   ├── example.txt
│       │   └── swerve
│       │       ├── modules
│       │       │   ├── back
│       │       │   │   ├── left.json
│       │       │   │   └── right.json
│       │       │   └── front
│       │       │       ├── left.json
│       │       │       └── right.json
│       │       └── swerve.json

JSON Files

JSON stands for "JavaScript Object Notation" it is a popular format for configuration, and string data representation. Learn more here

What is swerve.json?

swerve.json stores the robot wide configuration options. The configurations in swerve.json are as follows.

Name Units Required Description
WheelBase Inches ✔️ The distance between the centers of the front and back wheels of the robot in inches.
TrackWidth Inches ✔️ The distance between the centers of the right and left wheels of the robot in inches.
WheelDiamter Inches ✔️ The diameter of the wheels for the swerve modules in inches.
Speed Dictionary ✔️ Contains the physical and virtual speed limitations of the swerve drive.
Acceleration Dictionary ✔️ Contains the acceleration limitations for driver control via SlewRateLimiters.
Drive Dictionary ✔️ Contains the global configurations that apply to all drive motors on the swerve drive.
Steer Dictionary ✔️ Contains the global configurations that apply to all of the steering motors on the swerve drive.
Gyro Dictionary ✔️ Contains the configuration for the gyroscope, currently the only supported gyroscope is the Pigeon2.
Initial Pose Dictionary ✔️ Contains the configuration for the initial pose of the robot in inches and degrees.


Name Units Required Description
MetersPerSecond double ✔️ Virtual speed limitation for the driver when controlling the swerve drive for both forward and strafe directions.
PhysicalMetersPerSecond double ✔️ The speed limitation to ensure the wheels to not exceed on every module.
RadianPerSecond double ✔️ The angular speed which the swerve drive should be able to achieve. Multiplied by PI internally.


Name Units Required Description
MetersPerSecond double ✔️ Virtual acceleration limitation for the driver when controlling the swerve drive for both forward and strafe directions. Used with SlewRateLimiter.
RadianPerSecond double ✔️ The angular acceleration which the swerve drive should be able to achieve. Multiplied by PI internally and used with SlewRateLimiter.


Name Units Required Description
Inverted boolean ✔️ Whether or not the drive motors for the swerve drive are inverted. Also possible to call the setInverted function on the module drive motors.
GearRatio double ✔️ The gear ratio in which the drive motor must turn in order for a complete rotation of the wheel.
MaxPower Percentage ✔️ The maximum output drive motor controllers should supply. Useful for tuning the robot power consumption to lower risk of brown outs.
CurrentLimit Amps Optional configuration setting. The current limit that the motor controller should abide by.
PID Dictionary Optional configuration setting. Supplies the values for PID that would be used for all onboard drive motor PID's of swerve modules.


Name Units Required Description
Inverted boolean ✔️ Whether or not the steering motors for the swerve drive are inverted.
GearRatio double ✔️ The gear ratio in which the steering motor must turn in order for a complete rotation of the wheel.
MaxPower Percentage ✔️ The maximum output steering motor controllers should supply. Useful for tuning the robot power consumption to lower risk of brown outs.
CurrentLimit Amps Optional configuration setting. The current limit that the motor controller should abide by.
PID Dictionary Optional configuration setting. Supplies the values for PID that would be used for all onboard drive motor PID's of swerve modules.


Name Units Required Description
Inverted boolean ✔️ Whether or not the gyroscope for the swerve drive are inverted.
Type String ✔️ Must be "Pigeon2" currently since no other gyroscope is supported yet.
ID CAN ID ✔️ The CAN ID for the Pigeon2.
CANBus String Optional CAN Bus name in which the Pigeon2 is current residing on.


Name Units Required Description
X Inches ✔️ The distance from your alliance wall to the center of your robot in inches.
Y Inches ✔️ The distance from the field wall to the center of your robot in inches.
Rotation Degrees ✔️ The rotation of your robot on the field on the field when facing away from the alliance wall.


Name Units Required Description
P double ✔️ Proportional gain for closed loop. This is multiplied by closed loop error in sensor units.
I double ✔️ Integral gain for closed loop. This is multiplied by closed loop error in sensor units every PID loop.
D double ✔️ Derivative gain for closed loop. This is multiplied by derivative error (sensor units per PID loop).
F double ✔️ Feedforward gain for closed loop.
IntegralZone double ✔️ Integral Zone can be used to auto clear the integral accumulator if the sensor position is too far from the target. This prevents unstable oscillation if the kI is too large. Value is in sensor units.

Set the PIDF coefficients for the closed loop PID onboard the motor controller. Tuning the PID P = .5 and increase it by .1 until oscillations occur, then decrease by .05 then .005 until oscillations stop and angle is perfect or near perfect. I = 0 tune this if your PID never quite reaches the target, after tuning D. Increase this by P*.01 each time and adjust accordingly. D = 0 tune this if the PID accelerates too fast, it will smooth the motion. Increase this by P*10 and adjust accordingly. F = 0 tune this if the PID is being used for velocity, the F is multiplied by the target and added to the voltage output. Increase this by 0.01 until the PIDF reaches the desired state in a fast enough manner. Documentation for this is best described by CTRE here

What is modules/back/left.json modules/back/right.json modules/front/left.json and modules/front/right.json

Name Units Required Description
IntegratedAbsoluteEncoder boolean Whether or not the absolute encoder is integrated into the motor controller via expansion port. Currently this only works with the SparkMax to fetch the attached DutyCycle AbsoluteEncoder.
AbsoluteEncoder Dictionary ✔️ The absolute encoder configuration.
Motor Dictionary ✔️ The motor configuration options.


Name Units Required Description
Type String ✔️ The absolute encoder type, current options are CANCoder,ThriftyBot,AnalogEncoder,SRXMagEncoder,REVThoroughbore. If the encoder is integrated put anything else in.
ID CAN/Channel ID ✔️ The CAN ID for CANCoders, or the Channel ID for other encoders.
Offset Degrees ✔️ The offset in degrees for the motor to be at 0.
CANBus String Optional configuration setting to define the can bus of the CANCoder if on a CANivore.


Name Units Required Description
Drive Dictionary ✔️ The drive motor configuration for the module.
Steer Dictionary ✔️ The steering motor configuration for the module.


Name Units Required Description
Type String ✔️ The motor type, current options are "Neo" or "Falcon".
ID CAN ID ✔️ The CAN ID for the motor controller.
CANBus String Optional configuration setting to define the can bus of the Falcon if on a CANivore.
PID Dictionary Optional configuration setting. Supplies the values for PID that would be used for the motor.


Name Units Required Description
Type String ✔️ The motor type, current options are "Neo" or "Falcon".
ID CAN ID ✔️ The CAN ID for the motor controller.
CANBus String Optional configuration setting to define the can bus of the Falcon if on a CANivore.
FreeSpeedRPM integer ✔️ The free speed RPM of the motor, used for feedforward calculation of the PID.
PID Dictionary Optional configuration setting. Supplies the values for PID that would be used for the motor.