The goal of this project is to build an end-to-end project to detect images that contain B2 Stealth Bomber from popular social media sites.
Language: Python
- Python 2.7
- Tensorflow 1.13
Author: Ian R Brooks
Follow: LinkedIn - Ian Brooks PhD
- Posting Images with Apache NiFi 1.7 and a Custom Processor
- Post Images To Slack Custom Processor
- Great Read On Posting Images to Slack from Apache NiFi Using Custom Processor
- Uploading NiFi Template
Run at terminal prompt
pip install requests
pip install pillow
pip install numpy
pip install image
pip install Pillow-PIL
Run at terminal prompt
#Download Post Image Processor nar - Thank You Tim Spann!
wget \
-O /usr/hdf/current/nifi/lib/nifi-postimage-nar-1.0.nar
Download the project using the git url for here.
NiFi flow template is called B2DetectFlow_BaseTemplate.xml
Once the template has been loaded, you should see the following NiFi flow
Set Social Searcher token value<YOUR TOKEN VALUE HERE>
Update Slack API Token in URL value: <YOUR KEY HERE> &channels=b2detect&filename=${absolute.path}${filename}&files:write:user&pretty=1
Update Webhook URL value
Run at terminal prompt. Note the path need to point to the location of saved_model directory in this github repo.
docker pull tensorflow/serving
#Adding the Version number on model target path is VERY important!
docker run -p 8900:8500 -p 8501:8501 --mount type=bind,source=/saved_model,target=/models/saved_model/1 \
-e MODEL_NAME=saved_model -t tensorflow/serving &
Download (or copy) python script to the path set in the Exectute Stream Command processor, which is used to call the Tensorflow model.
In, set the URL of the Tensorflow Serving Docker container
import PIL.Image
from PIL import ImageDraw
import numpy
import requests
import time
import json
import sys
imagePath = str(sys.argv[1])
timeTheashold = 2.5
image =
image_np = numpy.array(image)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image)
payload = {"instances": [image_np.tolist()]}
start = time.time()
res ="<URL OF DOCKER CONTAINER>:8501/v1/models/saved_model:predict", json=payload)
processTime = time.time()-start
jsonStr= json.dumps(res.json())
jsonDict = json.loads(jsonStr)
predScore = jsonDict['predictions'][0]['detection_scores'][0]
if((predScore >= threshold) and (timeTheashold >= processTime)):
response = {"response":"B2Found","confidence": predScore , "duration": processTime }
response = {"response":"B2NotFound","confidence":predScore,"duration":processTime}
jsonresponse = json.dumps(response)