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Create Dynamic From passing a json with associated values


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This Library was born to help peoples to integrate various forms in one. With the ausily of a json file pattern we can generate forms dynamically based on fields specified into JSON Pattern File.

Repository GITHUB : DynamicAngularForm


For the installation we need to use the following versions of :

Node.JS : v20.13.1

Angular : 17 - 18 - 19

The library come with preinstalled @angular-slider/ngx-slider for the rendering of Slider form inputs, @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap for the Date and Time Picker and ng-recaptcha-2 for the rendering og Google Recaptcha security feature.


First of all you need to install the library running :

 npm i dynamic-angular-form@19.0.2
Angular Version Lib Version
v19 19
v18 18
v17 17

Subsequently you need to import the module into app.module.ts

  declarations: [	
  imports: [
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Note : If you want to use Google Login addon or Google Recaptcha input, you have to pass correctly the Google Recaptcha Key for making work Google Recaptcha and the Google Client Id for making work Google Login lib

  declarations: [	
  imports: [
  bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }

Models and Usage

Below you will find all the information you need to correctly use the templates and the various components

Dynamic Modal

<dynamic-modal />


Property Type Default Description Required
modalId string 'default-id' Assign a custom modal ID false
modalPopup boolean false Make the modal popup onload automatically false
modalCloseButton boolean false Enable close modal button, will appear as an "x" button in the top-right corner false
formSchemes DynamicFormScheme [] Scheme of the form to visualize false
loadSpinner boolean false Load spinner into the submit button false
isSubmitFailed boolean false Enable custom error message after submit false
errorMessage string '' Load custom error message after submit false


Method Description Required
onSubmit() Handle form submitted result false
loginWithGoogle() Handle Google login result false
onCloseModal() Handle modal close false
onBack() Handle modal back false
formValueChanges() Handle modal value change false


To use it correctly declare a child in your component : TS ->

  @ViewChild('myModal') registerFormModal!: DynamicModalComponent


 <dynamic-modal #myModal (onSubmit)="submit($event)" [formSchemes]="registerScheme" modalId="modal-1" />
Method Description Required
isFormValid(idx: number) Check if a form in a certain index is valid false
updateForm(idx:number, values:any) Patch values of a certain form false
goToPage(page: number) Navigate to a different form page false
closeModal() Close current modal false
openModal() Open current modal false
formInit() Handle modal form change false

Dynamic Form

<dynamic-form />


Property Type Default Description Required
formSchemes DynamicFormScheme [] Scheme of the form to visualize false
loadSpinner boolean false Load spinner into the submit button false
isSubmitFailed boolean false Enable custom error message after submit false
errorMessage string '' Load custom error message after submit false


Method Description Required
onSubmit() Handle form submitted result false
loginWithGoogle() Handle Google login result false
onCloseForm() Handle form close false
onBack() Handle form back false
formValueChanges() Handle form value change false
formInit() Handle form form change false


To use it correctly declare a child in your component : TS ->

  @ViewChild('form') registerForm!: DynamicFormComponent


 <dynamic-form #form (onSubmit)="submit($event)" [formSchemes]="registerScheme" />
Method Description Required
isFormValid(idx: number) Check if a form in a certain index is valid false
updateForm(idx:number, values:any) Patch values of a certain form false
goToPage(page: number) Navigate to a different form page false


Property Type Description
formId string Unique identifier for the form.
title string Title of the form.
title_{LANGUAGE} string (optional) Title translated of the field.
description string (optional) Description of the form.
description_{LANGUAGE} string (optional) Description translated of the field.
active_page boolean (optional) Indicates if the form is active.
fields FieldScheme[] Array of form fields.
buttons ButtonScheme[] Array of form buttons.
addons AddonScheme[] Array of form addons.
custom_validators CustomValidatorScheme[] Array of custom validators for the form.


Property Type Description Usage Type
type FieldType Type of the field. ALL
default_value string | number | boolean | { year: number, month: number, day: number } | { hour: number, minute: number } (optional) Default value of the field. ALL
name string (optional) Name of the field. ALL
name_{LANGUAGE} string (optional) Name translated of the field. ALL
top_label string (optional) Label displayed above the field. ALL
validators ValidatorScheme[] (optional) Array of validators for the field. ALL
errors ErrorScheme[] (optional) Array of error messages related to the field. ALL
disabled boolean (optional) Indicates if the field is disabled. ALL
visible boolean (optional) Indicates if the field is visible. ALL
formControlName string (optional) Form control name, typically used with reactive forms. ALL
autocomplete boolean (optional) Indicates if the field has autocomplete. text, password
default_value_{LANGUAGE} string (optional) Name translated of the field. section_info
src string (optional) Source URL or path for certain field types (e.g., images). show_image
options any (optional) Additional options for the field. slider
length number (optional) Length of the field. otp
minDate { year:number, month:number, day:number } (optional) minDate of datepicker. date
maxDate { year:number, month:number, day:number } (optional) maxDate of datepicker. date
values SelectValueScheme[] (optional) Array of selectable values for fields like dropdowns or radios. select
multiple boolean (optional) Multiple upload of files. add_image, add_video
accept string (optional) Accept types for input files. add_image, add_video
width string (optional) Width of the field. add_image, add_video, show_image, show_video
controls string (optional) Controls of the video field. show_video, add_video
version string (optional) Version of the field. g_recaptcha

FieldType (Enum)

Value Description
text Represents a text input field.
number Represents a number input field.
radio Represents a radio input field.
date Represents a date input field.
otp Represents an OTP input field.
time Represents a time input field.
select Represents a select dropdown field.
password Represents a password input field.
textarea Represents a textarea input field.
checkbox Represents a checkbox input field.
g_recaptcha Represents a Google reCAPTCHA field.
section_info Represents a section information field.
slider Represents a slider from @angular-slider/ngx-slider input field.
slider_noui Represents a slider from nouislider input field.
telephone Represents a telephone input field.
add_image Represents an add image field.
show_image Represents a show image field.
add_video Represents an add image field.
show_video Represents a show image field.


Property Type Description
name string Display name of the option.
name_{LANGUAGE} string (optional) Name translated of the field.
value string Value of the option.


Property Type Description Usage Type
name AddonType Type of the addon. ALL
normal_text string (optional) Regular text displayed in the addon. highlight
normal_text_{LANGUAGE} string (optional) Regular text translated of the field. highlight
highlight_text string (optional) Highlighted text within the addon. highlight
highlight_text_{LANGUAGE} string (optional) Highlighted text translated of the field. highlight
href string (optional) URL or link associated with the addon. highlight
href_type HrefTypes (optional) Type of href action (e.g., modal). highlight
style number (optional) Style identifier for the addon. google_login
upper_text string (optional) Text displayed above the main content. google_login
size string (optional) Size of the addon. google_login
type string (optional) Type of addon (e.g., button, link). google_login
theme string (optional) Theme or color scheme for the addon. google_login
text string (optional) Text displayed in the addon. google_login
shape string (optional) Shape of the addon (e.g., square, circle). google_login
logo_alignment string (optional) Alignment of the logo within the addon. google_login

AddonType (Enum)

Value Description
highlight Represents a highlight addon.
google_login Represents a Google login addon.

HrefTypes (Enum)

Value Description
MODAL Represents a modal link type.


Property Type Description Usage Type
type ButtonType Type of the button (e.g., submit, close). ALL
name string Name of the button. ALL
name_{LANGUAGE} string (optional) Name translated of the field. ALL
text_color string Text color of the button. ALL
button_color string Background color of the button. ALL
margin boolean (optional) Indicates if the button has a margin. ALL
page number (optional) Page number the button is associated with. back

ButtonType (Enum)

Value Description
submit Represents a submit button.
close Represents a close button.
back Represents a back button.
test Represents a test button.


Property Type Description
name string Name of the custom validator.
error_name string Name of the error associated with this validator.
text string Error message text.


Property Type Description
name Errors Type of the error (e.g., required, email).
text string Error message text.


Property Type Description
name Errors Type of the error being validated.
value string Value associated with the validator.

Errors (Enum)

Value Description
required Represents a required field.
telephone Represents a telephone error.
email Represents an email validation error.
maxlength Represents a max length error.
minlength Represents a min length error.
max Represents a max error.
min Represents a min error.
pattern Represents a pattern matching error.

Other Components

Button Loader

<button-loader />


Property Type Default Description Required
loadSpinner boolean false Load spinner into the submit button false
loadCheck boolean false Load check icon, useful when the submit is finished false
isFormValid boolean true Enable button if the form is valid false
text string '' Text inside the button false
icon StockIcons or Uil '' Icon to load next to the text. Uil icon example: uil uil-info-circle false
icon_position ['left','right'] 'left' Position of the icon in relation to the text false
type string 'submit' Button type false
color string 'primary' Button color as hex (e.g., #45c4a0) false
text_color string 'white' Button text color as hex (e.g., #ffffff) false
margin boolean true Button margin right, useful with multiple buttons in sequence false


Method Description Required
onSubmit() Handle form submitted result false

Google Login

<google-login />


Property Type Default Description Required
type string 'standard' Refer to Google Docs false
size string 'medium' Refer to Google Docs false
theme string 'outline' Refer to Google Docs false
text string 'sign_in_with' Refer to Google Docs false
shape string 'rectangular' Refer to Google Docs false
logo_alignment string 'left' Refer to Google Docs false


Create Dynamic From passing a json with associated values







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