This is my Portfolio that was built using react. This portfolio shows my skil set as well as some of my projects that I have been working on.
AS A user,
I WANT to have a portfolio that is functional and professional,
SO THAT I show projects to employers.
To install necessary dependencies, do the following list below:
Fork this repo on GitHub:
Rename your fork:
Clone your fork to your computer:
and modify it:$ cp .env.sample .env $ code .env
Launch the client and server in development mode:
$ yarn start:dev
$ yarn add react-ticker
$ yarn add react-datepicker
$ yarn add react-chartjs-2
$ yarn add chart.js
React Portfolio is a single project to showcase the skills learned in a Full-Stack Development Bootcamp. The goal of this project is to showcase the Full-Stack environment utilizing the latest technologies. It places emphasis on using React.js, which is a dynamic way to build apps.
- Brett Rushing - GitHub
If you have any questions feel free to contact any of the Authors.
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