Welcome to the Blendyn GitHub repository!
Blendyn is a Blender add-on, written in Python, that allows to import the output of the free multibody solver [MBDyn](https://www.mbdyn.org /), developed at the Aerospace Science and Technology Department of Politecnico di Milano University. MBDyn does not come with a built-in graphical pre- or post-processor, as it is able to process text-only input files and generates either text or binary (in NetCDF format) output. The purpose of the Blendyn add-on is to exploit the numerous features of the 3D graphics software Blender to post-process MBDyn output data. The add-on is, therefore, strictly a post-processor, but the goal is to make it as useful as possible also during the model definition phase.
Please refer to the wiki pages for the complete documentation.
The Blender 2.8x version of Blendyn is now considered the baseline code for
development, while the 2.7x version has been moved to the blender27
branch and will not
be updated, apart from occasional bugfixes, from now on. Therefore, the master
branch now
points to the Blender 2.8x version, be careful when updating!
The porting of Blendyn to the new Blender 2.80 API has been completed and is now available
in the blender28
branch. If you are an interested user, please try it out!
You can find the main Blendyn menu in the Sidbar Panel, accesses by pressing the N
Please report any bugs in the Issues section.
Please note that the documentation is currently lagging a little bit behind the latest code,
especially in the blender28
branch. Basically, you might find some small differences in
the addon UI with respect to what is described in the Wiki. The hope is that those differences
are small enough that they are not show-stoppers! The docs will be updated as soon as possible