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Repository used for the master thesis "A Benchmark Suite for Serverless Computing".

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Repository used for the master thesis "A Benchmark Suite for Serverless Computing".



With this tool written in Node.js you can benchmark serverless platforms from the following cloud computing providers:

and in the following programming languages:

The basic idea is that you can deploy and run various tests and see how they perform on each cloud and/or programming language.

Available tests

  • Latency test: measures the latency of a very simple function
  • CPU test (factors): calculates the factors of a number iteratively to benchmark the CPU performance
  • CPU test (matrix): multiplicates two NxN matrices iteratively to benchmark the CPU performance
  • Filesystem test: writes and reads n times a x kB text file to the filesystem
  • Custom test: implement you own test, templates are provided

Getting started

Info: All guides and scripts are targeted for Ubuntu but other operating systems follow a similar process.


For Ubuntu 18.04 you can do the following:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl gnupg-agent software-properties-common
curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt-key fingerprint 0EBFCD88
sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] bionic stable"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install docker-ce docker-compose

# add your user to the docker group if you don't want to run it always with sudo (requires logout and login)
sudo groupadd docker
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER


For each cloud provider you need to create an account and maybe setup some things:

You also need to create some docker volumes and login into the cloud CLIs, so they can be used in a docker container. In this case they will even be used from another docker container (so called docker in docker or DinD). For this you will need to do the following steps:

# create 5 volumes, 1 for app data and 4 for each clouds secrets
docker volume create serverless-data
docker volume create aws-secrets
docker volume create google-secrets
docker volume create ibm-secrets
docker volume create azure-secrets

# copy all data into the docker volume (IMPORTANT: run from the project root directory!)
docker run -v serverless-data:/data --name helper bschitter/alpine-with-zip:0.1
docker cp . helper:/data
docker rm helper

# mount the volumes and login with the cloud provider
docker run --rm -tiv aws-secrets:/root/.aws mikesir87/aws-cli:1.16.310 aws configure
docker run --rm -tiv azure-secrets:/root/.azure az login
docker run --rm -tiv google-secrets:/root/.config/gcloud google/cloud-sdk:274.0.1-alpine gcloud init
docker run --rm -tiv ibm-secrets:/root/.bluemix ibmcom/ibm-cloud-developer-tools-amd64:0.20.0 ibmcloud login

# with ibm you also have to set the region -r, the API endpoint --cf-api, the organization -o and the space -s
docker run --rm -tiv ibm-secrets:/root/.bluemix ibmcom/ibm-cloud-developer-tools-amd64:0.20.0 ibmcloud target -r <YOUR_REGION> --cf-api https://api.<YOUR_REGION> -o <YOUR_ORGANIZATION> -s <YOUR_SPACE>


Starting the application

To start the main application (in the folder main) run:

docker-compose up -d db grafana app

The application web interface will be exposed on port 3001 http://localhost:3001

Grafana will be exposed on port 3000 LINK http://localhost:3000


The following actions can be performed:


A user can deploy and delete tests. Following parameters exist:

  • Test: The tast that will be deployed
  • Memory: Amount of memory the function instance will have (not applicable for Azure)
  • Timeout: Function timeout (not applicable for Azure)
  • Clouds: The clouds to deploy the function to
  • Languages: Runtimes to deploy
  • Locations: Choose the region for each cloud

The Deploy button will iniciate a deploy process and the Cleanup All button will clenaup everything. Status can be seen on the right.

IMPORTANT: The cleanup process will delete all API gateways and Lambda functions on AWS, all resource groups containing the name of a test on Azure, all functions in the configured project for Google and all IBM functions and gateways. Use with caution!

Run Comparison Tests

Run a comparison test. Following parameters exist:

  • Test name: Name to identify the test later
  • Function dependant paramters: various function dependant parameters

The test can be startet with the Run button and stopped with the Stop button. Results will be viewable in Grafana.

Run Benchmark

Run a load test for deployed functions. Following parameters exist:

  • Requests per second: how many request per second should be sent to the function
  • Duration: duration of the benchmark
  • Test: whcih one of the tests should be benchmarked
  • N: function dependant parameter
  • Test name: Name to identify the test later

The application will benchmark the deployed functions with wrk2. Results will be viewable in Grafana.

Calculate Theoretical Pricing

Calculate hypothetical prices by providing following parameters:

  • Calls: Number of calls per month
  • Execution Time: Estimated execution time of the function in ms
  • Return Size: return size of the returned function body in KB
  • Memory: memory allocation chosen for the function

The button Calculate / Update will do the calculation and they will be shown on the right side.

Calculate Pricing regarding to tests

Calculate prices regarding a specific test:

  • Calls: Number of calls per month
  • Test: Factors, Matrix, Custom
  • Test Name: Name given during comparison test
  • Runtime: Runtime to be calculated

The button Calculate / Update will do the calculation and they will be shown on the right side.


To stop and remove containers run:

docker-compose down

To delete all images:

docker rmi $(docker images -q)

To delete all volumes:

docker volume rm $(docker volume ls -q)

Bugs / Troubleshooting


  • Sometimes when deleting a function the ibmcloud CLI will fail to load the resources and therefore the program will not correctly delete the resources. This mostly happens always the first time after you didn't use it for some time.
  • IBM Cloud uses an authentication token which expires. After some time you will need to login and configure it again. See section Configure.
  • It can happen that the IBM CLI returns the error Unable to create API: Request accepted, but processing not completed yet. but the function will most likely be deployed correctly.


  • The timeout parameter for Azure is currently ignored because the way the deploy mechanism is implemented does not support it that easily.


Repository used for the master thesis "A Benchmark Suite for Serverless Computing".






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Contributors 3
