This project builds upon the lightweight Slim framework and uses Twig templates to render views. It is intended to be a convenient solution for building lightweight websites with small databases storing user information.
The repository contains:
Slim -
Twig -
Laravel (Eloquent) -
The app/ directory includes the all important routes.php which allows you set URLs for your site. These routes set the URLs and calls a particular method from a class when that route is accessed. These can be used for API calls.
The Controllers directory which by default includes the HomeController class is where you can query the database using Eloquent and/or store the PHP or processing of your site. This in turn renders the associated templates stored on resources/ and passes through any variables or processing done when the method is called. HomeController can of course be changed, this was just included so that it worked out of the box :)
The database connector can be found in app.php, at the time of writing these credentials are raw text and are NOT secure. This project attempts to connect to a MySQL database called 'your-database-name'. I would also recommend you change this :)
It is intended that the database is queried through the Controller classes under App/. Eloquent's documentation can be found here:
Uses Respect's validation tool:
List of available validation rules can be found here: