A web scraper written with Python 3 to download images from a 4chan thread
At the moment there are currently only three different usages of this script.
to download from a single thread you just use
python main.py "https://4chan.thread.url"
if you wanted to download from multiple threads you would first create a txt file, and on each line you would enter a new thread.
Although be careful since the file uses the newline character (\n) as a delimeter if you have multiple threads on the same line like in the example below it will break.
and tell the script using the -f flag what the file is you want to read
python main.py -f threads.txt
everything downloaded so far is downloading in the current working directory. if you have a preference for where your downloads go all you need to do is change the path in the json config file.
"DOWNLOAD_DIR": "/your/desired/path"
After that you should see the threads appear in the directory you chose.
This is a project that is something I use the most if I'm being honest so updating it is something I always think about and have ideas for. If you are using it thank you! I hope you enjoy it, and let me know of any issues you might have and I can do my best to fix them!