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This module provides a basic 2d grid-based map interface that works with react-canvas (


With NPM

npm install --save @bucky24/react-canvas-map

With Yarn

yarn add @bucky24/react-canvas-map


This module depends on @bucky24/react-canvas as a peer dependency, with a min version of 3.1.4



The Map component is the main component that sets up and draws the map.


The Map component expects a series of Layers as its children. Layers are drawn in order.


Param Description Required
x X coord where the map starts on the canvas Yes
y Y coord where the map starts on the canvas Yes
width Width in pixels of the map Yes
height Height in pixels of the map Yes
cellSize Size in pixels of each map cell (can be modified internally based on zoom level). Defaults to 25 No
xOff Initial map horizontal offset No
yOff Initial map vertical offset No
moveType One of the MoveType entries. Determines how the map can be panned. Defaults to MOUSE No
mapBackground MapBackground object, describes background for the map No
offMapBackground MapBackground object, describes background for area that is not take up by the map No
onMove Function, fires when mouse moves over a map cell. First param is cell x, second is cell y. No
onClick Function, fires when move is clicked over a map cell. onClick(cellX, cellY, button, rawX, rawY) (button is a ButtonType from @bucky24/react-canvas). No
zoom Number that indicates the zoom level of the map. Used as initial value if zoomType is not NONE. 100 is default zoom (100% zoom) No
zoomType One of the ZoomType entries. Determines how the map is zoomed. Defaults to MOUSE No
minCellX The cell x at which the map will start drawing cells. Defaults 0 No
minCellY The cell y at which the map will start drawing cells. Defaults 0 No
maxCellX The cell x at which the map will stop drawing cells (inclusive). Defaults 20 No
maxCellY The cell y at which the map will stop drawing cells (inclusive). Defaults 20 No
hideGrid Boolean, if true, the grid lines for cells are not drawn No
type MapType. Indicates type of map, defaults to MapType.STANDARD No
centerX X coord of cell to center the map on. Ignored unless moveType is NONE No
centerY Y coord of cell to center the map on. Ignored unless moveType is NONE No


The Layer component define a layer to be drawn to the map. Layers are drawn in order. It does not take any props, and expects zero or more Layer specific components (detailed below). This component must be placed as a child of a Map.


This component details an image that should be drawn on a given layer. It must be a child of a Layer.


Param Description Required
src Either a URL or base64 encoded string with image data Yes
width How many cells the image takes up horizontally (can be fractional) Yes
height How many cells the image takes up vertically (can be fractional) Yes
x The x position of the cell to draw the image at Yes
y The y position of the cell to draw the image at Yes
xOff Setting this will shift the image horizontally from the cell x. Can be fractional. No
yOff Setting this will shift the image vertically from the cell y. Can be fractional. No
rot Indicates how much the image should be rotated, if at all No
hAlign The horizontal alignment of the image. One of HAlign. Defaults HAlign.LEFT No
vAlign The vertical alignment of the image. One of VAlign. Defaults VAlign.TOP No


This component details text that should be drawn on a given layer. It must be a child of a Layer.


Param Description Required
text The text to draw Yes
x The x position of the cell to draw the text at Yes
y The y position of the cell to draw the text at Yes
vAlign The vertical alignment of the text. One of "top", "center", "bottom" No
hAlign The horizontal alignment of the text. One of "left", "center", "right" No
font The font of the text to draw Yes


This compoment has been replaced by Cell


This component can be useful if you want the efficiency of building the layer maually but still want to use the Layer component. Note that LayerPassthrough does not technically need to be the only child in the Layer, but, due to the way it is implemented, it must be the first (and any LayerRaw that comes after will overwrite its raw portion of the layer).


Param Description Required
layer Instance of MapLayer Yes

Manually Building Layers

Manually building layers can be done by setting the layers property on the Map component. This may be slightly more efficient, but is less React-like.


The MapLayer object defines a layer of various objects that need to be drawn. MapLayers are drawn in order, so the first layer is drawn first, and the last layer is drawn last. You can use this to ensure that you get a proper z-depth for your map. MapLayers have the following keys:

Param Description Required
images List of Image objects No
text List of Text objects No
raw Raw object no

Note that this means a single layer can have multiple images, multiple text strings, or both.


The Image object defines an image as well as information on how to draw or position the image.

Param Description Required
src Either a URL or base64 encoded string with image data Yes
cellWidth How many cells the image takes up horizontally (can be fractional) Yes
cellHeight How many cells the image takes up vertically (can be fractional) Yes
cellX The x position of the cell to draw the image at Yes
cellY The y position of the cell to draw the image at Yes
xOff Setting this will shift the image horizontally from the cell x. Can be fractional. No
yOff Setting this will shift the image vertically from the cell y. Can be fractional. No
rot Indicates how much the image should be rotated, if at all No
hAlign The horizontal alignment of the image. One of HAlign. Defaults HAlign.LEFT No
vAlign The vertical alignment of the image. One of VAlign. Defaults VAlign.TOP No


The Text object defines a string of text as well as information on how to draw the text.

Param Description Required
text The text to draw Yes
cellX The x position of the cell to draw the text at Yes
cellY The y position of the cell to draw the text at Yes
vAlign The vertical alignment of the text. One of "top", "center", "bottom" No
hAlign The horizontal alignment of the text. One of "left", "center", "right" No
font The font of the text to draw Yes


The Raw object determines how to draw a layer that is custom, allowing more complex things than just images and text to be drawn.

Param Description Required
cells List of CellItem objects Yes
drawFunc A callback function that will be called once per cell given in the cells list. This function will be given a DrawFuncParams object as a parameter. This function should return either a single React element, or an array of React elements. Note that these elements must be something that can be handled by the Clip element from @bucky24/react-canvas


A component that describes an item on the map

Param Description Required
cellX The x coord on the map of the item Yes
cellY The y coord on the map of the item Yes
cellWidth The width, in cells, of the item Yes
cellHeight The height, in cells, of the item Yes
cb Callback function that is called with a CellDims Yes


Key Description
x Starting X of cell
y Starting Y of cell
width Width of cell
height Height of cell
x2 x + width
y2 y + width


An object that is passed into the drawFunc for raw drawing on layers. Note that any coords or widths here are already adjusted for map offset, map x/y, and zoom.

Param Description
x The x coord on the canvas where this item begins
y The y coord on the canvas where this item begins
width The width, in pixels, of the item
height The height, in pixels, of the item
id The id of the item. Whatever was givenin the CellItem is passed through here.


The MapBackground object defines a background.

Param Description Required
color A hex color code to fill a solid color background No
image An image url or base 64 string to fill an image background No

Note that either color or image is expected to be set.


MoveType is also exported from the module. It is an enum with the following types:

Type Description
MOUSE Use the mouse for panning the map
KEYBOARD_ARROW Use arrow keys for panning the map
NONE No map panning will be done by the component


ZoomType is also exported from the module. It is an enum with the following types:

Type Description
MOUSE Use the mouse wheel for zooming the map
FIXED The zoom parameter will be respected but the map cannot be dynamically zoomed by the user
NONE No zoom will be done by the component, and zoom of the map will be set to 100%


HAlign type is exported from the module. It is an enum with the following types:

Type Description
LEFT Align the item left
CENTER Center the item horizontally
RIGHT Align the item right


VAlign type is exported from the module. It is an enum with the following types:

Type Description
TOP Align the item top
CENTER Center the item vertically
BOTTOM Align the item bottom


MapType is expected from the module. It is an enum with the following types:

Note there may be some issues with the isometric grid, especially around displaying text.

Type Description
STANDARD A normal square grid
ISOMETRIC An isometric grid


2D Map Library for React Cavanvas







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