A simple application for the pinephone to launch applications using gestures. Note that the autostart only works on mobian.
on phone or computer:
on phone:
sudo make install
pine_gestures [--shake_cmd <cmd>] [--twist_cmd <cmd>];
--shake_cmd path to cmd to be triggered by shake gesture or 'none' to disable. default: /usr/bin/toggleflash
--twist_cmd path to cmd to be triggered by twist gesture or 'none' to disable. default: /usr/bin/pinhole
Copy the service file to the systemd folder, ensure that you are in the pine_gestures directory
sudo cp gestures.service /etc/systemd/system/gestures.service
Then simple start the service with
sudo systemctl start gestures.service
And make sure it is active with
sudo systemctl status gestures.service