- Pickup up Major Features/Bugs
- Break down into small issues
- Assign to team members
- Merge to major issue
: Production branch, onlydev
branches can be merged into this branch, After a merge olddev
branch needs to be deleted and newdev
should be created. -
: Development branch, onlycycle-n
branches can be merged into this branch, After a merge oldcycle-n
branch should be deleted and a newcycle-n+1
branch needs to be created. -
: Cycle branch or weekly branch followed by a number, This branch should be created and merged into thedev
branch weekly. Ex:cycle-1
: Normal issue branches, could befeat
, etc. These branches will be merged into correspondingcycle
branches weekly. Ex:feat-BMERN-1
Issue Title
: Issue title should follow commitlint convention. Ex:feat: direct message with mentors
Issue Level
: Each issue should have appropriate level
Commit Style
: Each commit should follow Commitlint Convention
: Build & TestPUSH
: CodeQl Check (optional)workflow_dispatch
: Deploy to dev (urgent deployment to dev)
: Build & TestPUSH
:- Deploy to Dev environment
- CodeQl Check (optional)
: Build & TestPUSH
:- Release version
- Deploy to the Production environment
- Conflict needs to be resolved locally and should have to be pushed with a new commit
chore: conflict resolved
- Urgent bug fixes should be merged immediately to
- Again create new
branch frommain