Welcome to BushSEC's GitHub page!
你好!我是 BushSEC,一名信息安全领域的学生和研究者,专注于计算机安全、渗透测试、以及免杀相关的技术和研究。
Hello! I'm BushSEC, an information security student and researcher specializing in computer security, penetration testing, and kill-free related techniques and research.
在这个 GitHub 页面,你将能找到各类有意思的小玩意。我致力于开发与信息安全相关的工具,提升自己在安全领域的知识和技能,并与社区分享我的成果和经验。
On this GitHub page you will be able to find all kinds of interesting gadgets. I am dedicated to developing tools related to information security, improving my knowledge and skills in the field of security, and sharing my results and experiences with the community.
Project content
- 安全研究项目:涉及先进的静态启发式杀毒引擎、机器学习在安全防护中的应用等领域。
Security research projects: in the areas of advanced static heuristic antivirus engines, applications of machine learning in security protection.
- 系统与安全工具:我也开发了一些实用的工具,帮助提升信息安全防护、漏洞检测和渗透测试的效率。
Systems and Security Tools: I have also developed practical tools to help improve the efficiency of information security protection, vulnerability detection and penetration testing.
Technology stack
- 安全技术:免杀、恶意软件检测等
Security technologies: Bypass, malware detection, etc.
- 框架与工具:Elasticsearch、Uptime Kuma、Typecho、Nextcloud 等
Frameworks and tools: Elasticsearch, Uptime Kuma, Typecho, Nextcloud, etc.
Personal goals
- 研究各类企业端基于机器学习的安全防护。
research on various types of enterprise-side machine-learning based security protection.
- 提供原创的教程和解决方案,分享关于计算机科学的宝贵知识。
Offers original tutorials and solutions to share valuable knowledge about computer science.