This repository contains data and code for the analysis reported in this Dec. 7, 2015 BuzzFeed News post on race and fatal shootings by the police.
Data from the Washington Post is distributed under an Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0) license.
The repository contains the following:
Data on fatal shootings by U.S. police in 2015, compiled by the Washington Post, captured on Dec. 7, 2015. See the Washington Post GitHub repository for more information, and current
Data on people killed by U.S. police in 2015, compiled by the Guardian, captured on Dec. 7, 2015. Download current data from here.active_shooter.txt
Frequency table showing outcomes of U.S. "active shooter" incidents, from 2000-2013, by race. Provided by Pete Blair of Texas State University as additional analysis from this FBI report.police_shoot.R
R script and console output for the BuzzFeed News analysis.
Email the author Peter Aldhous at