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Laravel package with set of tools to build api server as a remote oauth2 client

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OAuth is an authorization server. It provides and validates tokens. It is the best solution to build distributed api infrastructure.

Infrastructure may consist of many api servers, called Resource Server. Every request those servers accept must contain authorization information — an access_token issued by authorization server.

Every resource server is an OAuth client. It has client_id and client_secret and may issue its own access_token using client credentials grant. Otherhand, it may be a personal access_token, issued by a user in a traditional way. After issuing access_token the server will use it to make requests to the neighbors (other resource servers in the same infrastructure), or to provide access to the local resources.

When server receives request with authorization information, it will introspect (see rfc7662) access_token from request. Api server calls OAuth server and receives from it information about given access_token.

If token is valid and has appropriate scopes, the server will handle the request. If it is not, the server will reply with an error.


The package based on league/oauth2-client


Your OAuth server must implement rfc7662 (token introspection endpoint). Take a look at ipunkt/laravel-oauth-introspection.


composer require codewiser/oauth2-resource-server

Publish package config.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Codewiser\ResourceServer\Providers\ResourceServerServiceProvider"


An environment requires all standard OAuth client properties.

SCOPE="read write"

SCOPE is for default scopes for requested access tokens.

Next are optional and has default values.


You may provide full URLs or only paths.

Facades and Middlewares


ResourceServer is a layer of OAuth-client, that takes responsibility to keep Client Credentials Access Token and to protect API resources.

$accessToken = ResourceServer::getAccessToken();

This will return cached (or newly issued) Client Access Token. Use it call other API servers.

Token may be sent as Athorization header (see rfc6750#section-2.1),
as access_token body parameter (see rfc6750#section-2.2) or
as access_token query parameter (see rfc6750#section-2.3).

Then your server receives API request with Bearer token, it should introspect token on OAuth-server.

$introspected = ResourceServer::getIntrospectedToken($request->bearerToken());

In a simple way you may protect the routes with ResourceServerMiddleware. Define it in app/Http/Kernel.php in way you like.

protected $routeMiddleware = [
    'scope' => \Codewiser\ResourceServer\Http\Middleware\ResourceServerMiddleware::class,

And than protect you route.

Route::get('resource', 'ApiController@list')->middleware('scope:read');

class ApiController extends Controller
  public function list(Request $request)
     // Get user profile from OAuth server
     $owner = ResourceServer::getTokenOwner($request);
    // Your code here

Otherwise you may protect group of routes with middleware and validate scope in controllers.

Route::get('resource', 'ApiController@list')->middleware('scope');

class ApiController extends Controller
  public function list(Request $request)
    // Your code here

If request were not validated, the throwed exception renders proper response (according to rfc6750).


OAuthClient is a layer of OAuth-client, that takes responsibility to authorize users and keeps their Personal Access Token.

if (!OAuthClient::hasAccessToken()) {
    // Will remeber current page to get user back here.
    // Set required scopes
    OAuthClient::setScope('read write email etc');

    return redirect(OAuthClient::getAuthorizationUrl())

Authorization server will return user back to CallbackController. You may use built-in or define new one.

try {
    // Callback will exchange authorization_code to access_token and stores it into session.
    // Then return user back to the page we previously stores.
    return redirect(OAuthClient::getReturnUrl('/'));
} catch (\Throwable $e) {


So, if we have Personal Access Token we should provide requested information to the user.

if (OAuthClient::hasAccessToken()) {
    // Your code here

In a simple way you may protect the routes with PersonalAccessMiddleware. Define it in app/Http/Kernel.php in way you like.

protected $routeMiddleware = [
    'private' => \Codewiser\ResourceServer\Http\Middleware\PersonalAccessMiddleware::class,

And than protect you route.

Route::get('profile', 'PersonalController@show')->middleware('private:read')

If user has no Personal Access Token he or she will be redirected to Authorization Server.


All tokens are cached locally for a limited time.


Laravel package with set of tools to build api server as a remote oauth2 client






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