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OCS Professional
The aim of this script is to create a all in one package to be deployed on every Linux machine. The package embeds compiled Perl for the related OS, OCS Agent perl package, and all required perl mudules.
- packageOCSAgent.config: packager configuration
- PROXY_HOST if you have direct Internet connection
- OCS_INSTALL_DIR: OCS Agent installation directory
- PERL_VERSION: Perl version you want to compile and embed in OCS package
- PERL_DL_LINK: Perl sources download link
- EXPAT_DL_LINK: Expat sources download link
- OCSAGENT_DL_LINK: OCS Agent sources download link
- NMAP_DL_LINK: Nmap sources download link
Create script to add crontab on system - OCS_AGENT_CRONTAB_HOUR: How many hour between each crontab call
Activate lazy mode on Agent - OCS_AGENT_TAG: Set default tag
- OCS_SERVER_URL: Set server URL
Enable SSL check - OCS_SSL_CERTIFICATE_FULL_PATH: Path to the certificate
Enable file logging feature - OCS_LOG_FILE_PATH: Set the log path file
- PerlModulesDownloadList.txt: download URL for all Perl modules dependencies
- packager script
As root user
Output is a tar/gz archive: ocsinventory-agent_LinuxDistribution_MajorVersion.tar.gz
As root user
cd /
tar zxf /path/to/archive/ocsinventory-agent-xxx.tar.gz
To start inventarization manually you can use
- Bypass current limitations
- Less dirty openssl detection, reduce number of hacks in source compilation
- nmap command line path is not referenced in Perl module, thus, IP Discovery function does not work