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Admin Console Documentation

Instructions for the usage of the admin console can be found on the eReq Admin Console page.

Tech Stack

Server side ring app:

  • Static asset serving
  • JSON REST API with echo endpoint for prototyping
  • Hot code reloading

Client side re-frame app:

  • Routing using bidi and pushy
  • Event interceptor that validates app DB against spec in development
  • Components structured into separate namespaces each with their own db spec, event handlers, subscriptions, and views. Namespaced using the re-frame synthetic namespace pattern
  • Pages separated out with potential to use parallel structure to components as their complexity grows

To demonstrate things a homepage with a sign up form that POSTs to an API which just echo's back the response is provided.

Development Mode

Start figwheel-main:

$ lein fig:build

This should start a ring server and automatically building your application. Once it's ready, it should open a new browser window with the application for you.

Node packages and interop

Setup using this guide: Figwheel-main and NPM Modules

To add new modules, add them to npm

$ npm install --save <package>

And then import the package add it to the window in src/js/index.js. Before starting the webserver, run the following commands to update the bundle of external modules:

$ npm install
$ npx webpack --mode=development

Creating and serving the database

Download Datomic Pro and run the following commands from within the unzipped folder.

Start the transactor with your license in the properties in one terminal.

./bin/transactor ../

In s separate terminal, start the repl and delete any existing databases and recreate them. You can skip the delete-database step if this is your first time creating them.

Clojure 1.10.1
user=> (require 'datomic.api)
user=> (datomic.api/delete-database "datomic:dev://localhost:4334/ereq-dev")
user=> (datomic.api/create-database "datomic:dev://localhost:4334/ereq-dev")
user=> (datomic.api/delete-database "datomic:dev://localhost:4334/ereq-test")
user=> (datomic.api/create-database "datomic:dev://localhost:4334/ereq-test")

Start serving the databases in separate terminals.

./bin/run -m datomic.peer-server -h localhost -p 8998 -a myaccesskey,mysecret -d ereq-dev,datomic:dev://localhost:4334/ereq-dev
./bin/run -m datomic.peer-server -h localhost -p 9119 -a myaccesskey,mysecret -d ereq-test,datomic:dev://localhost:4334/ereq-test

Populating the database

Initializing the database

You can run the following command to transact the schema and add initial form data:

lein run test-setup

Editing and transacting the schema

This project uses Datomic as its database. Datomic configuration defaults are stored in resources/config/datomic.edn, and can be overridden by environment variables defined in the same file. The database schema is stored in src/clj/org/parkerici/sample_tracking/db/schema.clj.

If you make changes to the schema, run lein run transact-schema to generate a new Datomic schema file at resources/schema.edn and to transact the changes to the configured database.

Populating roles

To add new roles from the configuration files to the database run the following command. You only need to do this if you are adding new roles.

lein run create-roles

Adding admin users

To add an admin user from the CLI run the following command.

lein run add-admin

Running Tests

The test database ereq-test must be running for tests to run successfully.

Before running tests for the first time you must populate the test database.

lein with-profile test run test-setup

Sometimes with-profile doesn't work. If this is the case you can manually set the environment variables.

export DATOMIC_ENDPOINT=localhost:9119
export DATOMIC_DB_NAME=ereq-test

Once you've done this you can run the tests with the following command.

lein test

Creating new Forms

The process for creating new forms can be found here.

Deploying on GCS

Create a k8s cluster

Make sure it's VPC native

Create a Postgres database

Record name and password: sample-tracking /

This can take over a half hour to complete....but you can get IP address first

Give it a Private IP address Use Connections Tab, Turn on the required API. etc

Create Datomic DB


Connect to the database:

$ gcloud sql connect <cloudsql-db-name> --user=postgres

Copy and paste the Postgres datomic postgres-db.sql scripts into the prompt. You have to delete the TABLESPACE argument from the db creation script.

After you create the database, connect to it by running \c datomic in the psql command line.

Next, run the postgres-table.sql and the postgres-user.sql in the datomic db.

Create App DB

[ don՚t do this if you are restoring from backup! ]

Setup and create the transactor pod:

$ kubectl --namespace=default create secret generic datomic-transactor-properties
$ kubectl apply -f ./deploy/k8s/datomic/transactor.yaml

Attach to the pod and create the DB in Datomic. Make sure to substitute the IP of the postgres instance – it should be same as in

$ kubectl get pods
$ kubectl exec -it $(kubectl get pods --selector=app=datomic-transactor -o jsonpath={}) -- /bin/bash
$ bin/repl
> (require '[datomic.api :as d])

>  (def db-uri "datomic:sql://sample-tracking?jdbc:postgresql://<DB-IP>:5432/datomic?user=datomic&password=datomic")
>  (d/create-database db-uri)

CI Deploy

The .circleci folder contains the config.yaml file that describes the deployment to the previously configured cluster.

It requires a public IP for each environment ereq-dev and ereq-prod. Non master branches will be deployed to dev for every commit, and master deploys to prod.

Each environment requires the environment variables in CircleCI to be configured appropriately. These are in the CircleCI Contexts and Project Environment Variables.

The CI deploy uses Google managed certificates and a Google Ingress (as opposed to the Nginx Ingress)

The HTTP-to-HTTPS redirect feature of the Ingress is still in beta and only available in GKE 1.18+. 1.18+ is still on the Rapid release channel which can have some instability. To avoid that, we are using a manual partial LB . The summarized steps to setup this partial LB are:

  • Ensure HTTP is not served on the Ingress using the annotiation "false" on the Ingress
  • Manually create a load balancer on the same IP as the Ingress with the HTTP-to-HTTPS redirect as described in the linked doc above.

Non-CI Deploy

Manually building Docker image

To build and package into Docker for dev:

$ npx webpack && lein package && docker build -t .

And for prod:

$ npx webpack && lein package && docker build -t .

To push to GCR:

$ docker push <image-tag>

Deploy the Peer Server and Datomic Services

$ kubectl apply -f ./deploy/k8s/datomic/transactor-service.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f ./deploy/k8s/datomic/peer.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f ./deploy/k8s/datomic/peer-service.yaml

Run the Deploy Job

As of now this job transacts the schema to the database.

$ kubectl apply -f deploy/k8s/sample-tracking/deploy-job.yaml

To get the results of the job:

$kubectl get jobs

deploy-tasks   1/1           21s        55s

To get the pod name or check on the logs:

$ kubectl get pods
NAME                                 READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
datomic-peer-cb5cfc5b6-5shhm         1/1     Running   0          51m
datomic-transactor-c69857949-6cj6m   1/1     Running   0          71m
deploy-tasks-gjqg4                   1/1     Running   0          16s
$ kubectl logs deploy-tasks-gjqg4
[main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.util.log - Logging initialized @5528ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
20-03-04 00:53:00 deploy-tasks-gjqg4 INFO [org.parkerici.sample-tracking.cli:55] - Running with environment :default
20-03-04 00:53:00 deploy-tasks-gjqg4 INFO [org.parkerici.sample-tracking.db.schema:182] - Writing schema out to file.
20-03-04 00:53:00 deploy-tasks-gjqg4 INFO [org.parkerici.sample-tracking.db.schema:184] - Transacting schema.

Once it's successful, delete the job.

$ kubectl delete job deploy-tasks

Deploy the App Server and Service

Deploying without a Domain Name

Deploy the app and the basic service to the cluster.

$ kubectl apply -f ./deploy/k8s/sample-tracking/app.yaml
$ kubectl apply -f ./deploy/k8s/sample-tracking/app-basic-service.yaml

Get the IP address for the service.

$ kubectl get service/sample-tracking

NAME              TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)        AGE
sample-tracking   LoadBalancer   80:31412/TCP   3m42s

Deploying with a Domain Name

Setup Helm locally.

$ brew install kubernetes-helm

Or make sure it's up to date if already installed.

$ brew upgrade kubernetes-helm

Reserve an ** unused/unbound** reserved regional external IP from GCP IP address for the nginx load balancer.

gcloud compute addresses create sample-tracking --region <CLUSTER-REGION>

Install the nginx-ingress chart with the custom static IP. If you are installing multiple ingresses in the same culster you must name them differently.

$ helm repo add stable
$ helm repo update
$ helm install nginx-ingress  stable/nginx-ingress --set controller.service.loadBalancerIP=<RESERVED-IP>

We can use the following command to check when our static IP has been assigned to the load balancer.

$ kubectl get services -o wide nginx-ingress-controller

NAME                          TYPE           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)                      AGE   SELECTOR
nginx-ingress-nginx-ingress   LoadBalancer   <RESERVED-IP>   80:31312/TCP,443:30326/TCP   85s   app=controller

Once this is done, create the application, service, and ingress to be exposed by the load balancer.

kubectl apply -f ./deploy/k8s/sample-tracking/app.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./deploy/k8s/sample-tracking/app-service.yaml
kubectl apply -f ./deploy/k8s/sample-tracking/app-ingress.yaml


  • Add test coverage
  • Move all CircleCI environment variables into the Project Environment Variables.


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