This is the API for the backend of the Pangenome Browser.
If you are using the AWS instance, you can skip this part and directly navigate to the How to Use section. If you are using the pangenome-api on your own computer instead, please follow the steps below to install. (Note that the minigraph functions are not compatible with the MacOS system)
- gbz-base:
- gfabase:
To check if gbz-base is correctly installed, run:
which gbz2db
which query
which gfabase
pip install panct pathlib fastapi
We will use the database from HPRC which you can find more through this link.
In the pangenome-api folder, run:
fastapi dev
You can then open the interactive API doc at
Click "try it out" and input the genome region of interest. Then click "execute" to generate the url.
Alternatively, you can run the API directly from the url
by manually changing the chromosome(eg. chr1, chrX), start location, end location, and graphtype("MC" for minigraph-cactus, or "minigraph").
(Note: the api will likely take a couple of minutes to load when you run the function for the first time. The code will need to indexing the gbz file and gfa file first. This may take around 5 minutes.)
This will return a Minigraph-cactus(MC) GFA stored in a dictionary of a region in chromosome X, starting from 100000bp, and ending at 150000bp.