py-agua-iot provides controlling heating devices connected via the IOT Agua platform of Micronova.
Warning: this module is not tested with multiple devices, there is no guarantee that it will work with your heating device.
from py_agua_iot import agua_iot
# => Agua IOT API URL for Eva Calor
# 635987 => customer code of Eva Calor
# 1c3be3cd-360c-4c9f-af15-1f79e9ccbc2a => random UUID (you can generate one here:
# brand_id="1" => optional brand id (should always be "1" but can be overridden just in case)
# login_api_url="" => optional separate login URL (used for Piazzetta for example)
connection = agua_iot("", "635987", "", "mysecretpassword", "1c3be3cd-360c-4c9f-af15-1f79e9ccbc2a", brand_id="1")
# Print the current air temperature for each device
for device in connection.devices:
print( + ": " + str(device.air_temperature))
Below you can find a table with the app names of the different stove brands and their corresponding customer code and API URL.
If you happen to know any extra or missing customer codes and API URL's, please feel free to open a pull request and add them to the table above.