An alternative OpenStack Dashboard to Horizon for the MOC.
####1. Clone repo
####2. Start Django Project
- create python virtual enviornment using "virtualenv [env-name]"
- source environment using "source [env-name]/bin/activate"
- install requirements using "pip install -r"
- create database with "./syncdb" - creating django admin is unneccessary, not currently using
- create folder to hold session ids with "mkdir session"
- run server with "./runserver"
####3. Interface Usage
- point browser to localhost:8000
- register as a new user using your openstack credentials
#####Login Page
- login as an existing keystone user, or register with keystone
- a project admin must add user to project for that user to gain access;
- or a new user can create a project, and will join that project as an admin
#####Projects Page
- enter a project or create a new project
- attempts to create keystone, nova, glance clients for user in project (username, password, project)
#####Project Management
- create/edit/delete VMs
- selection of a VM allows for control (start, stop) and resizing (incomplete functionality; needs resize confirmation/revert)
- create VM with available flavors, images
- access/use active VMs via VNC
#####Project Settings
- add/edit current project's users; ADMIN ONLY
- add users to project
- edit users' roles
- delete current project
- faked data; example for future implementation
- State DB - checking users, endpoints, session info
- With a State DB:
- Improvement of Keystone client sessions
- Currently inefficient
- Some privilege workarounds may be solved using private keystone endpoint, port 353572 (instead of public 5000)
- Add error checking
- Implement OCX Library
#####Known Issues
- Refer to outstanding issues
Why does the UI not work anymore?
- Run ./rejoin**
Why does OpenStack send connection errors?
- You might need to rejoin or restack
Why does Django say port already in use when running server?
- OpenStack may be using the port, either runserver first, or specify port (ie. python runserver 9999)
How can I test the OpenStack python API effeciently??
- Look at UI/marketUI/ Use the defined keystone, glance and nova clients via python command line (first run 'source ~/devstack/openrc')