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Material Foundry edited this page Jul 14, 2021 · 2 revisions

The soundboard allows you to play single sounds. This is best used for short sound effects, such as thunder or melee hit sounds. You can access the soundboard by pressing the right-most button in the mixer, with the music note icon. This will expand the mixer, adding the soundboard to the right. Each soundscape has its own soundboard.

You can have up to 25 sounds per soundscape. You can configure the sounds by pressing the textbox below the big buttons. This will open a new dialog, see below.
By pressing the big buttons, the configured sound will play.
The volume for each sound is set in the configuration, while the volume slider at the bottom sets the volume for the whole soundboard.
You can stop all currently playing sounds by pressing the 'Stop All' button.

By dragging an existing sound onto another button, the sound and all its settings will be moved to the new button. If the new button already contained a sound, the sounds will be swapped. If Ctrl is pressed during the start of the movement, the sound will be copied to the new button.
You can delete sounds by dragging them onto the trash icon at the top-right.

Besides setting the sounds to play using the Sound Configuration button, you can also drag and drop playlists or playlist sounds from the sidebar, or using the Sound Importer found in the configuration screen (cog button at the top).

Soundboard Configuration

In this menu you can configure the sound for each soundboard button. You have the following options, some of which are not always visible (depending on what is set at 'Sound Selection'):

  • Name: The name of the sound. This will be displayed below the button on the soundboard
  • Sound Selection: Configures how you want to select the sound:
    • Playlist: Single Sound: Select a single sound from a playlist
    • Playlist: Complete Playlist: Select a complete playlist. Will play all sounds in the playlist consecutively
    • Filepicker: Single Sound: Select a single sound using the file picker, wildcard names are allowd to select multiple sounds
    • Filepicker: Folder: Select a folder. Will play all sounds in the folder consecutively
  • Playlist: (Visible if 'Sound Selection' is set to one of the playlist options) The playlist from which to select a sound
  • Sound (playlist): (If 'Sound Selection' is set to 'Playlist: Single Sound') Selects the sound to play from the selected playlist
  • Sound (filepicker): (If 'Sound Selection' is set to 'Filepicker: Single Sound') Shows the path to the selected sound. Press the button on the right to open the filepicker
  • Folder: (Visible if 'Sound Selection' is set to 'Filepicker: Folder') Shows the path to the selected folder. Press the button on the right to open the filepicker
  • Shuffle: (Visible if 'Sound Selection' is NOT set to 'Playlist: Single Sound') Enabling this will shuffle the sounds in the playlist, folder, or wildcard list
  • Volume: Sets the volume of the sound
  • Playback Speed: Set the playback speed of the sound. Please note that the pitch also changes. A value of 1 means normal playback speed, a value of 2 means double playback speed
  • Randomize Speed: If you set a value higher than 0 here, a random value will be picked between -value and +value, which is added to the playback speed. This allows for some variation in the sound

Wildcard Names

When selecting single sounds using the filepicker, you can use wildcard names so it will randomly play a sound from a selection.
To do this, navigate to the folder that contains the sounds, in the textbox append the filename with the common part of the name of the sounds you want to play, followed by an asterisk.
For example, if you have the sounds 'Thunder.wav', 'Thunder2.wav' and 'Thunder3.wav' in the folder 'Assets', you could fill in the following: 'Assets/Thunder*', which will play one of the three sounds randomly when you press the button.
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