This repository contains the code to build an empty CENDARI VM from the official CENDARI puppet module.
- VirtualBox
- Vagrant, at least 1.7
- librarian-puppet
librarian-puppet update
vagrant up
Once finished, the server will contain all software, but no data! In particular, you will have to manually import/initialize the databases:
vagrant ssh
sudo -i
gunzip -k /vagrant/vagrantdata/ckan.sql.gz
sudo -u postgres pg_restore -d ckan < /vagrant/vagrantdata/ckan.sql
service litef-conductor restart
gunzip -k /vagrant/vagrantdata/atom2.sql.gz
mysql atom2 < /vagrant/vagrantdata/atom2.sql
cd /var/www/notes
sudo -u www-data fab sync_database
You should set up DNS resolution locally, i.e. on Linux/OSX add box.cendari.local
to /etc/hosts
Than you can access from your browser at http://box.cendari.local
- To use AtoM, login as with
. - The CKAN admin is
The usernames and passwords used internally default to those set in cendari's params.pp
and the data from hiera respectively and are plainly visible!