continuous build
Builds are built for CC 3.5 (real+virtual) by default. Linux "all CUDA architectures" build for all real and highest virtual architecture as supported by most recent CUDA toolkit.
GPUJPEG 0.26.0
This release brings mainly much faster start-up (and reinitialization) times in Linux, which is significant especially when encoding small amount of images. The speed-up for first frame is as much as 20x (eg. 43 ms for 10000x1000.tst compared to original 810 ms). Subsequent images are still faster but this narrows the gap. The improvement is especially noticable for big images.
API changes
- [changed] log level version numbers (verbose + debug +1)
- [added] log levels symbolic names
- [added] struct gpujpeg_encoder_input init functions returning the struct (like gpujpeg_encoder_input_gpu_image) to be able to directly initialize the variable
- if verbosity is at least GPUJPEG_LL_STATUS, gpujpeg_parameters.perf_stats
doesn't need to be set to output coding duration
- new patterns (noise, blank) to test images (.tst extension)
- cmake - add hint to enable the architecture to native (to speed up startup)
- improved logging of JPEG reader in debug mode to inspect JPEG structure
- print also coded image size and properties (useful if autodeduced)
- report also (re)initialization duration (in verbose mode)