This role installs the IGTF (Interoperable Global Trust Federation) CAs (Certification Authorities) certificates into the directory /etc/grid-security/certificates by installing the Debian package ca-policy-egi-core.
I also installs the Debian package fetch-crl, which periodically fetches their CRLs (Certificate Revocation Lists). Depending on fetch-crl version, it installs a hook or a cron job that restarts Apache after each fetch.
- igtf_cas_install_terena_ssl - installs the "TERENA SSL CA 3" and "TERENA SSL High Assurance CA 3" CAs for web servers to be accepted as client CAs, default is False
No dependencies are used.
- hosts: servers
igtf_cas_install_terena_ssl: True
- cesnet.igtf_cas
Martin Kuba, CESNET