Ansible role for running reverseproxy based on nginx in docker.
- In default configuration logs to syslog.
- community.docker collection is required. Can be installed by
ansible-galaxy collection install community.docker
- For use docker containers from another repository than from docker hub, you can use ansible-role-aai-docker-environment
- reverseproxy_path - The main path where all files will be stored
- Default value: "/opt/reverseproxy"
- reverseproxy_docker_image - Docker image with tag (Used only by the default-docker-compose.yml.j2 template)
- Default value: "nginx:latest"
- reverseproxy_docker_network - External docker network, that will be used for connect (Used only by the default-docker-compose.yml.j2 template)
- Default value: "network"
- reverseproxy_docker_compose_template - The docker-compose template which will be used
- Default value: "default-docker-compose.yml"
- reverseproxy_dirs - List of directories, that will be created on host
- Example value:
- { path: "{{ reverseproxy_path }}" } - { path: "{{ reverseproxy_path }}/etc" } where: path - Directive path; required Default owner: root Default group: root Default mode: 0755
- reverseproxy_files - List of files, that will be copyied to host
- Example value:
- { src: "reverseproxy/etc/nginx/nginx-tls.conf", dest: "/etc/nginx/nginx-tls.conf" } where: src - path to source file; required dest - relative to {{ reverseproxy_path }} - default value {{ src }} Default owner: root Default group: root Default mode: 0644
- { src: "etc/nginx/nginx.conf", dest: "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf"}
- reverseproxy_templates - List of files, that will be created by template
- Example value:
- { src: "reverseproxy/etc/nginx/nginx.conf", dest: "/etc/nginx/nginx.conf", owner: "root", group: "root", mode: 0755 } where: src - path to the template file without .j2; required dest - relative to {{ reverseproxy_path }} - default value {{ src }} Default owner: root Default group: root Default mode: 0644
- reverseproxy_site_specific_tasks - Path to the additional file with specific tasks
- Not required
- Default: None
- collection
- ansible-role-aai-docker-environment (Optional)
Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:
- hosts: servers
- { role: ansible-role-reverseproxy-docker }