Releases: CFMIP/COSPv2.0
Big fixes for warm rain diagnostics
Small bug fixes related to memory use in warm rain diagnostics. Answers for those fields have changed.
This release contains a small bug-fix for an input field to the LIDAR simulator.
This was brought to our attention by Brian Eaton of NCAR when testing the latest COSP tag, v2.1.5, in CESM2 with the NAG compiler.
New warm-rain diagnostics (MODIS/Cloudsat Joint-product)
v2.1.5 COSP Version 2.1.5
Bug fix to Cloudsat near-surface precipitation diagnostics
One important change regarding the treatment of land points in the Cloudsat near-surface precipitation diagnostics was made to be consistent w/ the original implementation of these diagnostics in COSP1.4, Kay et al. 2018 (DOI:10.1002/2017JD028213). For retrievals over land, the third vertical level above ground (960-1440m) is now used to calculate precipitation frequency based on CloudSat radar reflectivity. The second level (480-960m) is still used over the ocean.
For more information on these diagnostics -- see
These diagnostics are also described as a part of new COSP2 in CESM2 documentation available here:
This release contains a small bug fix in the LIDAR opaque cloud diagnostics.
Fixed vertical-ordering of Cloudsat subcolumn reflectivity, from SFC-…
v2.1.2: Merge pull request #13 from CFMIP/cesm_bugFix
Changed Cloudsat subcolumn reflectivity vertical ordering, from SFC-2…
COSP version 2.1.1
This release contains new diagnostics for the Cloudsat radar simulator. The diagnostics are based upon the Cloudsat 2C-PRECIP-COLUMN observational product (
COSP version 2.1
This release contains new diagnostics for the Calipso Lidar simulator, while also introducing two new Lidar simulators.
New features in COSPv2.1:
- Calipso opaque-cloud diagnostics (See Guzman et al.
- Earthcare ATmospheric LIDar (atlid) simulator (See Reverdy et al. 2015
- Ground-based lidar simulator @ 532nm (See Chiriaco et al. 2018
For information on all of these new diagnostics, see Documentation_COSPv2.1.pdf
The new opaque cloud diagnostics are built upon the existing Calipso Lidar simulator (see Chepfer et al. The two new lidar simulators leverage existing code from the Calipso Lidar simulator, configured appropriately for the platform (e.g. viewing direction, frequency, etc...).