This chat application leverages the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js) and to provide a robust, real-time messaging platform. The application includes user authentication and will support both single and group chat functionalities.
User Authentication:
- Sign Up: Users can create a new account by providing a username, email, and password. The data is stored securely in a MongoDB database.
- Login: Existing users can log in using their email and password. Upon successful authentication, users are granted access to the chat functionalities.
- Simple and intuitive routes are set up for the Sign Up and Login pages, allowing for easy navigation within the application.
Single Chat:
- Real-Time Messaging: Using, users will be able to send and receive messages in real time.
- Private Conversations: Users can initiate private, one-on-one conversations with other users.
- Message Persistence: Messages will be stored in MongoDB to ensure that users can view their chat history even after logging out.
Group Chat:
- Group Creation: Users can create chat groups and add other users.
- Multi-User Conversations: Messages sent in a group chat will be broadcast to all members of the group.
- Admin Controls: Group creators will have admin privileges to manage group membership and settings.
Frontend: React
- React Components: Modular and reusable components for user interface elements.
- React Router: For navigation between Sign Up, Login, and Chat pages.
Backend: Node.js & Express
- Express Server: Handles API requests and serves the React application.
- Authentication: Secure user authentication using JSON Web Tokens (JWT).
Database: MongoDB
- Mongoose: For object data modeling to interact with MongoDB.
- User Schema: Defines the structure for user data including encrypted passwords.
Real-Time Communication:
- WebSockets: Enables real-time bidirectional communication between the client and server.
- Event Handling: Custom events for sending and receiving messages, joining chat rooms, and more.