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Operator for workbenches.


The goal is to delegate the hard work of wiring the Xpra server and their applications, as well as the volumes to a controller.

A Workbench is composed of:

  • A Deployment + ReplicaSet + Pod for the Xpra server
  • A Service handling the HTTP endpoint, and X11 Socket, of Xpra.
  • Many Jobs, one for each app. An App being a graphical application, it will come and go.
      .------------+-----------+------+- etc.
      |            |           |      |
      v            v           v      v
  Deployment    Service       Job    Job
      |                        |      |
      v                        v      v
  ReplicaSet                  Pod    Pod

To expose a Workbench on the Internet, an Ingress will be needed. It should point to the service on port 8080.


As a server is a Deployment, stopping it from the inside will restart it.


  • Handling the whole life cycle when the user stops the Server from within;
  • Report various information in the /status for the applications;
  • TLS between the Xpra server and the applications;
  • Admission webhook;
  • etc.

Getting Started


  • go version v1.22.0+
  • docker version 17.03+.
  • kubectl version v1.11.3+.
  • Access to a Kubernetes v1.29+ cluster.

To Deploy on the cluster

Build and push your image to the location specified by IMG:

make docker-build docker-push IMG=<some-registry>/workbench-operator:tag

NOTE: This image ought to be published in the personal registry you specified. And it is required to have access to pull the image from the working environment. Make sure you have the proper permission to the registry if the above commands don’t work.

Install the CRDs into the cluster:

make install

Deploy the Manager to the cluster with the image specified by IMG:

make deploy IMG=<some-registry>/workbench-operator:tag

NOTE: If you encounter RBAC errors, you may need to grant yourself cluster-admin privileges or be logged in as admin.

Create instances of your solution You can apply the samples (examples) from the config/sample:

kubectl apply -k config/samples/

NOTE: Ensure that the samples has default values to test it out.

To Uninstall

Delete the instances (CRs) from the cluster:

kubectl delete -k config/samples/

Delete the APIs(CRDs) from the cluster:

make uninstall

UnDeploy the controller from the cluster:

make undeploy

Project Distribution

Following are the steps to build the installer and distribute this project to users.

  1. Build the installer for the image built and published in the registry:
make build-installer IMG=<some-registry>/workbench-operator:tag

NOTE: The makefile target mentioned above generates an 'install.yaml' file in the dist directory. This file contains all the resources built with Kustomize, which are necessary to install this project without its dependencies.

  1. Using the installer

Users can just run kubectl apply -f to install the project, i.e.:

kubectl apply -f<org>/workbench-operator/<tag or branch>/dist/install.yaml


// TODO(user): Add detailed information on how you would like others to contribute to this project

NOTE: Run make help for more information on all potential make targets

More information can be found via the Kubebuilder Documentation

License and Usage Restrictions

Any use of the software for purposes other than academic research, including for commercial purposes, shall be requested in advance from CHUV.