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Authorization package with complex permission handling


Sometimes managing permissions of an application can be difficult. This package aims to leverage the complexity of permissions by providing a simple interface to manage them.

You still have the control of which actions, resources and scopes are allowed, but now with a simple app.use you can lock everything behind authentication and check if the user has the required permissions on any controller, or using a permission-specific middleware on a route basis.

For a full working example, check out this repository.


Install this package on your express project:

npm install @cloud2go/auth-z



The package uses internally some helper types:

 * Represents a value that can be `null`
type Nullable<T> = T | null;

 * Represents the return type of a function that can be `sync` or `async`
type Awaitable<T = void> = T | Promise<T>;

 * Default resource applied to a permission when no resource is specified,
 * for example: `User.ReadWrite` will resolve to `User.ReadWrite.<DefaultResource>`
export type DefaultResource = typeof constants.authorization.resources.default;
 * The resource string that represents a wildcard for all resources,
 * for example: `User.ReadWrite.<AllResources>` will match `User.ReadWrite.Admin`
 * and `User.ReadWrite.Reader`
export type AllResources = typeof constants.authorization.resources.all;

Also, some interfaces are exported for convenience, as they are returned by some of the package methods:

 * Represents a `AuthZ` user role, containing information about what
 * the user can do within the application
interface Role {
     * The unique identifier of the role
    id: string;
     * Display name of the role
    name: string;
     * Optional description of the role
    description?: string;
     * Array of string representation of the permissions of the role,
     * for example: `User.ReadWrite.All`
    permissions: string[];
     * The context of the role, can be `global` or `local`
    context: 'global' | 'local';

 * Represents a role permission, which is used to define the allowed actions
interface Permission {
     * The context of the permission, same as the role context,
     * can be `global` or `local`
    context: Role['context'];
     * The scope of the permission, for example: In `User.ReadWrite.All`,
     * the scope is `User`
    scope: string;
     * The action capabilities of the permission, for example: In `User.Read.All`,
     * the action will be `{ read: true, write: false }`
    action: {
         * Whether the permission allows reading
        read: boolean;
         * Whether the permission allows writing
        write: boolean;
     * The resources that the permission applies to, for example: In `User.ReadWrite.All`,
     * the permission can affect any resource, but in `User.ReadWrite.Admin`, the permission
     * only applies to the `Admin` resource. The default resource is used when no resources
     * are defined in the permission, for example: `User.ReadWrite` will resolve to
     * `User.ReadWrite.<DefaultResource>`
    resources: string[] | AllResources | DefaultResource;

Importing and configuration

Import the package and configure it with your express app:


// ES Modules
import AuthZ from '@cloud2go/auth-z';

// Common JS
const AuthZ = require('@cloud2go/auth-z').default;


The configuration object uses the following interface:

 * Represents the options to create an `AuthZ` instance
export interface Options<TUserIdentifier = string> {
     * Details for the JWT authentication.
    authentication: {
         * A function that returns a **user unique identifier**, agnostic to authentication method or
         * information. This identifier will be used to generate the JWT for further requests. If the user
         * is `null`, the authentication request will be aborted with a `401` error response. Any errors
         * thrown by this function will be returned to the user as a `401` error with the error message
         * within the response body.
        userIdentifier: (
            request: Request
        ) => Awaitable<Nullable<TUserIdentifier>>;
         * The JWT signing secret, this value is considered the password of the application,
         * and should not be publicly available.
        secret: string;
         * The path to the authentication endpoint, defaults to `/authenticate`.
        path?: string;
         * The HTTP method to be used on the authentication endpoint, defaults to `POST`.
        method?: 'GET' | 'POST' | 'PUT' | 'PATCH' | 'DELETE';
         * The JWT expiration time span, in **seconds**, defaults to `3600`, or 1 hour.
        expirationTimeSpan?: number;
    authorization: {
         * A function that returns the roles of a given user, identified by the `userIdentifier` callback.
        rolesProvider: (userId: TUserIdentifier) => Awaitable<Role[]>;
         * The configuration to the IAM endpoint, which returns the user identification, it's permissions and roles.
         * If `null` the IAM endpoint will be disabled.
        iamEndpoint?: Nullable<{
             * The path to the IAM endpoint, defaults to `/iam`.
            path: string;
             * The HTTP method to be used on the IAM endpoint, defaults to `GET`.
            method: HttpMethod;


const authZ = AuthZ({
    authentication: {
        userIdentifier(request) {
            return request.headers['x-user'] ?? null;
        secret: process.env.MY_API_SECRET
    authorization: {
        rolesProvider(userId) {
            return getRolesFromDatabase(userId);

Global authentication

To use the package within your application you MUST add the global middleware:

import express from 'express';
import AuthZ from '@cloud2go/auth-z';

const app = express();

const authZ = AuthZ(configuration);


After that, all requests require authentication, and authorization can be set in a case-by-case basis.

Request.authZ property

Every request will now have a authZ property, with the following interface:

interface RequestMethods {
     * Checks if the current user has the given permissions in any context.
     * Checks for fully qualified permissions, such as `Scope.Action.?Resource`
    hasPermissions: (...permissions: string[]) => boolean;
     * Checks if the current user has the given permissions in the local context.
     * Checks for fully qualified permissions, such as `Scope.Action.?Resource`
    hasLocalPermissions: (...localPermissions: string[]) => boolean;
     * Checks if the current user has the given permissions in the global context.
     * Checks for fully qualified permissions, such as `Scope.Action.?Resource`
    hasGlobalPermissions: (...globalPermissions: string[]) => boolean;
     * Checks if the current user has the given permissions actions in any context.
     * Checks for partial permissions, such as `Scope.Action`, matching any resource, such
     * as `Scope.Action.value1`, `Scope.Action` and `Scope.Action.All`.
    hasActions: (...permissionActions: string[]) => boolean;
     * Checks if the current user has the given permissions actions in the local context.
     * Checks for partial permissions, such as `Scope.Action`, matching any resource, such
     * as `Scope.Action.value1`, `Scope.Action` and `Scope.Action.All`.
    hasLocalActions: (...permissionActions: string[]) => boolean;
     * Checks if the current user has the given permissions actions in the global context.
     * Checks for partial permissions, such as `Scope.Action`, matching any resource, such
     * as `Scope.Action.value1`, `Scope.Action` and `Scope.Action.All`.
    hasGlobalActions: (...permissionActions: string[]) => boolean;
     * Get the current user permission context for the given permission.
    getPermissionContext: (
        permission: string
    ) => Role['context'] | 'both' | 'none';
     * Get a **copy** of the current user roles.
    getRoles: () => Role[];
     * Get a **copy** of the current user permissions.
    getPermissions: () => Permission[];
     * Get a **copy** of the current user permissions in the local context.
    getLocalPermissions: () => Permission[];
     * Get a **copy** of the current user permissions in the global context.
    getGlobalPermissions: () => Permission[];
     * Get the current user identifier.
    getUserIdentifier: <TUserIdentifier = unknown>() => TUserIdentifier;

Authorization middlewares

The package provides a set of middlewares to check for permissions in a route basis:

authZ.withPermissions(...permissions); // Middleware to check if the user has the specified permissions on a route
authZ.withGlobalPermissions(...globalPermissions); // Middleware to check if the user has the specified global permissions on a route
authZ.withLocalPermissions(...localPermissions); // Middleware to check if the user has the specified local permissions on a route
authZ.withActions(...permissionActions); // Middleware to check if the user has the specified permission actions on a route
authZ.withGlobalActions(...globalPermissionActions); // Middleware to check if the user has the specified global permission actions on a route
authZ.withLocalActions(...localPermissionActions); // Middleware to check if the user has the specified local permission actions on a route