Discovering Equations of Motion from Data
- try planar car dynamics
- can use box car dynamics (driven by rear wheel axle from Estimation)
My own thoughts:
- Added headers to Xi matrix, easy to tell what is what now
- Try unicycle dynamics again, but in simulation. Then try Jake's car data again
- motivating examples? Use homework problems from Estimation, read more papers on robotics and use same style
- said same thing as Somi: motivating example
- give persuasive argument why SINDy is bad and we want to use GPSINDy instead
- why having a good/better model is important
- application areas: dynamics fudginess causes issues
- safety applications
- use double pendulum hardware data *ONGOING
- fix validation script and plotting *DONE
- start writing: update the methods section *ONGOING
- try MeanLin with beta transpose *DONE (still doesn't work?)
- motivate the problem diagram: have a robot or satellite where we want to learn the dynamics, think about where modeling is useful
- show SINDy is bad
- plot 1: motivating example (something with a robot)
- save data, figure out best plot later
Double Pendulum Chaotic dataset:
- Extract and save data to folder test/double-pendulum-chaotic/
- (suggestion) For step 2: implement the mean function from Adam's white board as the mean function
- subtract Theta(x)*xi from training points dx_noise
submit paper:
- learned models have uncertainty
- can take learned models with uncertainties into parametric form
- experiments, learn dynamics
- treat uncertainty of the learned system as disturbance on data
this weekend:
- try on real data
my idea:
- kalman filter GP-SINDy? condition learned model on new data?
- implement the picture you took with your phone (GP-SINDy-GP-SINDy etc)
- create nice plot from Lasse (fig 3) *DONE
- table it: actually implement LASSO
- write problem in a way to say that we used coordinate descent (with separate primal variables)
- say that we stacked unknown variables (xi coefficients and sigma hyperparameters) into 1 unknown vector
- and then say we used coordinate descent to split unknown into 2 split variables
- and then do that thing that we wrote on the white board
- try on Jake's data, just see how it looks *DONE (it looks terrible with SINDy alone)
- nicer to have journal
- decide later
email Chante about work ending Aug 4 email her again about lunch reimbursement she is responsive
- smooth dx_noise with x_noise as training inputs --> dx_GP
- smooth x with t first --> x_GP (SE kernel)
- smooth dx with x --> dx_GP (SE kernel)
- try diff kernel? SE *DONE
- set up kernel to be function of x *DONE
- plug in dx_GP and x_noise into SINDy, good plots? *DONE
- fix ADMM stuff, only update hyperparameters at the start *DONE
- compare SINDy and GPSINDy *DONE
Somi: (2)
- try Matern52 kernel within SINDy-GP-ADMM (and maybe Matern32 kernel)
David: (4)
table it for now: figure right way to do sparsity, soft thresholding? hard thresholding?
iterate: GP --> SINDy --> GP --> SINDy --> repeat
- GP takes in (t,x) as input, outputs smoothed x
- Coefficients * function library to generate dx ?
(tangential) try SINDy with soft thresholding
create pull request, merge into main
# new dx # dx_new = Θx * Ξ_gpsindy # combine dx_noise and dx_new # dx_combine = ... ? # dx_GP2 = post_dist_M52I( t, t_test, dx_new ) # Ξ_gpsindy2 = SINDy_test( x_GP, dx_GP2, λ )
Adam: (1) --> GPs
- standardize x, add noise --> GP --> derivative of GP *set up GP dx = f(x)
- set up kernel to be function of x *DONE
Yue: (3) --> l1 norm min, ADMM
- remove relative tolerances for ADMM *DONE
- SINDy, keep it the way it is
- don't change hyperparameters every step for ADMM (do not change objective function at every iteration), maybe let ADMM run for 1000 iterations and then update hyperparameters *DONE
- try taking out log(det(Ky)) of obj fn *DONE
- just do Jake's car data *DONE SET UP SANDBOX
- look into sparsity: increase lambda, compare gpsindy and sindy
- decrease samples and increase noise, gpsindy works better?
- use GP to smooth data and use as input into sindy
fixed kernel?
- input should be time, not x or dx as previously specified in the paper?
- put predator_prey plot into function in utils.jl
- added metrics to end of predator_prey_test.jl (just opnorm) for truth vs. sindy vs. gpsindy
- also tried just turning off one small coefficient for sindy per David's suggestion - it makes trajectory propagate much differently
- now just put everything that you've found into a latex document ... and run more experiments