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Emmanuel Benazera edited this page Aug 8, 2014 · 9 revisions

These are instruction for building the Python bindings and running Python code on Linux. For building on Mac OSX see

To build the Python bindings and use libcmaes from Python code:

  • install 'boost-python', on Debian/Ubuntu systems:
sudo apt-get install libboost-python-dev
  • the python bindings are yet not part of the production code, so move to the correct branch:
git checkout python
  • build the libcmaes with support for Python bindings:
./configure --enable-python --with-prefix=/home/yourusername
make install
  • test the bindings:
cd python
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/yourusername/lib

Sample python code:

import lcmaes

# input parameters for a 10-D problem
x = [10]*10
olambda = 10 # lambda is a reserved keyword in python, using olambda instead.
seed = 0 # 0 for seed auto-generated within the lib.
sigma = 0.1
p = lcmaes.make_simple_parameters(x,sigma,olambda,seed)

# objective function.
def nfitfunc(x,n):
    val = 0.0
    for i in range(0,n):
        val += x[i]*x[i]
    return val

# generate a function object
objfunc = lcmaes.fitfunc_pbf.from_callable(nfitfunc);

# pass the function and parameter to cmaes, run optimization and collect solution object.
cmasols = lcmaes.pcmaes(objfunc,p)

# collect and inspect results
bcand = cmasols.best_candidate()
bx = lcmaes.get_candidate_x(bcand)
print "best x=",bx
print "distribution mean=",lcmaes.get_solution_xmean(cmasols)
cov = lcmaes.get_solution_cov(cmasols) # numpy array
print "cov=",cov
print "elapsed time=",cmasols.elapsed_time(),"ms"