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Releases: CMB2/CMB2


01 Jun 12:34
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Bug Fixes

  • Fix color-picker field not enqueueing the colorpicker script. (#333)


29 May 00:55
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  • Ability to use non-repeatable group fields by setting the 'repeatable' field param to false when registering a group field type. Props marcusbattle, (#159).
  • Add and enqeueue a front-end specific CSS file which adds additional styles which are typically covered by wp-admin css. (#311)
  • Better handling of the CMB2 javascript (and CSS) required dependencies array. Dependencies are now only added conditionally based on the field types that are actually visible. (#136)
  • THIS IS A BREAKING CHANGE: The group field type's 'show_on_cb' property now receives the CMB2_Field object instance as an argument instead of the CMB2 instance. If you're using the 'show_on_cb' property for a group field, please adjust accordingly. note: you can still retrieve the CMB2 instance via the cmb2_get_metabox helper function.
  • New dynamic hook, "cmb2_save_{$object_type}_fields_{$this->cmb_id}", to complement the existing "cmb2_save_{$object_type}_fields" hook.
  • New CMB2 property, enqueue_js, to disable the enqueueing of the CMB2 Javascript.
  • German translation provided by Friedhelm Jost.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix incorrect repeatable group title number. (#310)
  • Fix obscure bug which prevented group field arguments from being passed to the sub-fields (like show_names and context).
  • Fixed occasional issue when adding a group row, the previous row's content would be cloned. (#257)


30 Apr 19:33
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  • New metabox/form parameter, show_on_cb, allows you to conditionally display a cmb metabox/form via a callback. The $cmb object gets passed as a parameter to the callback. This complements the 'show_on_cb' parameter that already exists for individual fields. Using this callback is similar to using the 'cmb2_show_on' filter, but only applies to that specific metabox and it is recommended to use this callback instead as it minimizes th risk that your filter will affect other metaboxes.
  • Taxonomy types no longer save a value. The value getting saved was causing confusion and is not meant to be used. To use the saved taxonomy data, you need to use the WordPress term api, get_the_terms, get_the_term_list, etc.
  • Add 'multiple' field parameter to store values in individual rows instead of serialized array. Will only work if field is not repeatable or a repeatable group. Props JohnyGoerend. (#262, #206, #45).
  • Portuguese (Brazil) translation provided by @lucascdsilva - #293.
  • Spanish (Spain) translation updated by @yivi - #272.
  • Added group field callback parameters, 'before_group', 'before_group_row', 'after_group_row', 'after_group' to complement the 'before_row', 'before', 'after', 'after_row' field parameters.
  • Better styling for title fields and title descriptions on options pages.
  • Add a sanitization_cb field parameter check for the group field type.
  • Better function/file doc-blocks to provide better documentation for automated documentation tools. See:
  • cmb2_print_metabox_form, cmb2_metabox_form, and cmb2_get_metabox_form helper functions now accept two new parameters:
    • an 'object_type' parameter to explictly set that in the $cmb object.
    • an 'enqueue_js' parameter to explicitly disable the CMB JS enqueue. This is handy if you're not planning on using any of the fields which require JS (like color/date pickers, wysiwyg, file, etc).

Bug Fixes

  • Fix issue with oembed fields in repeatable groups where changing video changed it for all fields in a group.
  • Fix empty arrays (like in the group field) saving as a value.
  • Move 'cmb2_override_meta_value' and "cmb2_override_{$field_id}_meta_value" filters to the CMB2_Field::get_data() method so that the filters are applied every time the data is requested. THIS IS A BREAKING CHANGE: The parameters for those filters have changed a bit. Previously, the filters accepted 5 arguments, $value, $object_id, $field_args, $object_type, $field. They have changed to accept 4 arguments instead, $value, $object_id, $args, $field, where $args is an array that contains the following:
    • @type string $type The current object type
    • @type int $id The current object ID
    • @type string $field_id The ID of the field being requested
    • @type bool $repeat Whether current field is repeatable
    • @type bool $single Whether current field is a single database row


17 Mar 14:51
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Bug Fixes

  • Fix grouped fields display (first field was being repeated), broken in 2.0.3.


16 Mar 20:16
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  • select, radio, radio_inline field types now all accept the 'show_option_none' field parameter. This parameter allows you to set the text to display for showing a 'no selection' option. Default will be false, which means a 'none' option will not be added. Set to true to use the default text, 'None', or specify another value, i.e. 'No selection'.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix back-compatibility when adding group field sub-fields via old array method (vs using the CMB2:add_group_field() method). Thanks to norcross for reporting.
  • Fix occasional jQuery issues with group-field indexes.


15 Mar 18:36
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  • New constant, CMB2_DIR, which stores the file-path to the CMB2 directory.
  • text_date, text_time, text_date_timestamp, text_datetime_timestamp, and text_datetime_timestamp_timezone field types now take an arguments array so they can be extended by custom field types.
  • Removed auto-scroll when adding groups. To re-add the feature, use the snippet/plugin here. (#205)
  • Updated Timepicker utilizing the @trentrichardson jQuery Timepicker add-on (, and updated Datepicker styles. Props JonMasterson. (#204, #206, #45).
  • Added a callback option for the field default value. The callback gets passed an array of all the field parameters as the first argument, and the field object as the second argument. (which means you can get the post id using $field->object_id). (#233).
  • New CMB2::get_field() method and cmb2_get_field helper function for retrieving a CMB2_Field object from the array of registered fields for a metabox.
  • New CMB2::get_sanitized_values() method and cmb2_get_metabox_sanitized_values helper function for retrieving sanitized values from an array of values (usually $_POST data).
  • New 'save_fields' metabox property that can be used to disable (by setting 'save_fields' => false) the automatic saving of the fields when the form is submitted. These can be useful when you want to handle the saving of the fields yourself, or want to use submitted data for other purposes like generating new posts, or sending emails, etc.

Bug Fixes

  • Fix commented out text_datetime_timestamp_timezone field registration example in example-functions.php. Props cliffordp, (#203).
  • Fix sidebar styling for money fields and fields with textareas. (#234)
  • Fix CMB2_Sanitize class to properly use the stripslashed value (which was added in #162 but never used). Props dustyf, (#241).


15 Feb 22:46
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  • Use the more appropriate add_meta_boxes hook for hooking in metaboxes to post-edit screen. Thanks @inspiraaz for reporting. (#161)
  • Add a row_classes field param which allows you to add additional classes to the cmb-row wrap. This parameter can take a string, or array, or can take a callback that returns a string or array. The callback will receive $field_args as the first argument, and the CMB2_Field $field object as the second argument. Reported/requested in #68.
  • New constant, CMB2_LOADED, which you can use to check if CMB2 is loaded for your plugins/themes with CMB2 dependency.
  • New hooks, cmb2_init_before_hookup and cmb2_after_init.
  • New API for adding metaboxes and fields, demonstrated in example-functions.php. In keeping with backwards-compatibility, the cmb2_meta_boxes filter method will still work, but is not recommended. New API includes new_cmb2_box helper function to generate a new metabox, and returns a $cmb object to add new fields (via the CMB2::add_field() and CMB2::add_group_field() methods).
  • New CMB2 method, CMB2::remove_field().
  • New CMB2_Boxes method, CMB2_Boxes::remove().
  • When clicking on a file/image in the file, or file_list type, the media modal will open with that image selected. Props johnsonpaul1014, (#120).

v2.0.1, CMB2 out of beta!

02 Feb 17:40
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2.0.1 is the official version after beta, and includes all the changes from 2.0.0 (beta).

2.0.0(beta) - 2014-08-16

2.0.0 is the official version number for the transition to CMB2, and 2.0.1 is the official version after beta. It is a complete rewrite. Improvements and fixes are listed below. Note: This release requires WordPress 3.8+


Bug Fixes

  • New mechanism to ensure CMB2 only loads the most recent version of CMB2 in your system. This fixes the issue where another bundled version could conflict or take precendent over your up-to-date version.
  • Fix issue with field labels being hidden. Props mustardBees, (#48).
  • Address issues with autoloading before autoloader is setup. Props JPry, (#56).
  • Fixed 'show_on_cb' for field groups. Props marcusbattle, (#98).
  • Make get_object_terms work with and without object caching. Props joshlevinson, (#105).
  • Don't use __DIR__ in example-functions.php to ensure PHP 5.2 compatibility. Props bryceadams, (#129).
  • Added support for radio input swapping in repeatable fields. Props DevinWalker, (#138, #149).
  • Fix metabox form not being returned to caller. Props akshayagarwal, (#145).
  • Run stripslashes before saving data, since WordPress forces magic quotes. Props clifgriffin, (#162).